APP - ## Please Report Posts that violate APP rules ##


on indefiniate mod break
It's my hope this forum is going to be start taken more seriously and we can have some good in depth debates. I'm already beginning to see that the will is there, with some very detailed arguments being laid out in some threads. This is great, but it also makes it more of a challenge to hunt for every rule 2 (insults directed at a specific individual) violation, among others. And the more those slip by, the more this forum becomes a redundant subforum on here.

So please do your best to help keep this forum in tip top shape. It will be a net gain for all those that participate here in the long run.

Also, if when you report, it would be helpful if you also listed the specific rule(s) that you feel the person violated. That way we can get specifics and not some generalized complaint. See below for what the rules are.

Right now I am sort of considering this subforum in a honeymoon period, where people are still trying to figure out where the line is to not cross, so I'm mostly just editing posts. But honestly, we should all be striving to avoid the line entirely rather than continually trying to go right up next to it.

So Remember:

1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, general bigotry
2. No insults directed at specific individuals
3. No trolling
4. No flaming
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

Please be courteous, kind, patient, intelligent and receptive to one another

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Also remember that access is granted to the APP when you ask for it. Not all people want to post there, and some want to avoid it so they don't accidentally violate the rules and the easiest way is to never ask...

Anyway, if you don't already have it and want access to APP you need to ask.