
Welcome, my dear friends, to the Great British summer.

The Olympics, where the opening ceremony will out do Beijing's cheap and tawdry affair with the planting of a ... lawn! 'How are we going to open the Olympics when money is so tight?' 'I know, let's plant grass!'

The insult by the 'British' organisers to allow any Tom, Dickhead or to carry OUR torch. Shame on you Mr. (Lord) Coe. I can just imagine Oz or the US saying, 'We're going to run the torch throughout the length and breadth of our fair land and we're going to invite a bunch of Brits to do the running!!!'

The Queen's Jubilee: Well, unlike the US who has queens on every street corner and even an area in NY named for them, we only have one. Her sole function is to prevent her mentally challenged son (the one who married the horse) from claiming the throne and from making Mad King George appear sane.

Our kids are calling it the Queens Jollibee (the name of a MacDonalds copy from the Philipines).

Fortunately London is still there despite the torrents of rain, as I discovered back in May with fantastic visits to Karl Marx, Borough Market (the biggest deli in the world) and Charing Cross Theatre, where an excited gentleman rushed up to me near the exit and, saying he was sure he recognised me, asked whether I was an actor or a politician.

I kicked him in the crutch and went for a beer in a pub near Southwark Cathedral.

So, my dear colonial friends, enjoy the rest of this year. The Project for the New Great British Century. But be quick while stocks last.