Poker questions


OK, you have called a minimum bet on the first hand of a tourney with 34 suited and the flop comes 6 of your suit and two 9s off your suit. Some clown goes all in and of course you have to fold. No question? Right? Yes. The answer is yes.

This is what I told myself as I thought about 2 5 and 7 of my suit hitting the next two cards. I had to fold.

I still think I made the right call by folding, but the cards came 5 2 in my suit. It was heartbreaking.

My game was off a little after that and I chased too many hands.

How do you guys get past missing winners?
What's the worst missed hand you've ever folded?
OK, you have called a minimum bet on the first hand of a tourney with 34 suited and the flop comes 6 of your suit and two 9s off your suit. Some clown goes all in and of course you have to fold. No question? Right? Yes. The answer is yes.

This is what I told myself as I thought about 2 5 and 7 of my suit hitting the next two cards. I had to fold.

I still think I made the right call by folding, but the cards came 5 2 in my suit. It was heartbreaking.

My game was off a little after that and I chased too many hands.

How do you guys get past missing winners?
What's the worst missed hand you've ever folded?

It hit that time. But a smart player plays the laws of averages and on the balance, most of the time, folding would be the right thing to do.
While the averages are the safest way to play, sometimes a "gut feeling" can get you a win that goes against the averages.

But the toughest thing is to play each hand as a single game. Don't worry about the previous wins and losses. Focus on the individual hand.
When playing poker you have to remember not to be results oriented. You should always be making the right decision based on your odds/read on players, and not worry about what could have happened. The majority of time you will lose.

I mean seriously.. a guy moves all in and you are contemplating calling with 34s? No way dude... don't even think about it. It's not even up for debate.

This is a no brainer insta fold.

You are only about 4% to catch a runner runner flush. Even when that happens, how do you know if your flush will even be good?

The odds of catching two specific runner cards for a straight are even smaller.
How do you guys get past missing winners?
What's the worst missed hand you've ever folded?

It doesn't even phase me. I probably play around 100+ sng's a day, there are plenty of times where I may have caught something, but to worry about chasing when you are way behind only to get sad when one of the few very rare times occurs is just silly.

Just focus on making the correct plays based on odds and you'll be much more profitable.