

Let's go Brandon!
Some of my mountain friends have turned me on to this series, a Masterpiece Theater production, available on Amazon Prime. It is post Revolutionary War period, from the perspective of Ross Poldark, a Captain in the British Army. After their loss, Poldark comes back to Cornwall, England, to find his love interest about to marry another, his father dead and the estate that he inherits in disarray. He constantly finds lemons, and turns them into lemonade, so to speak...
Some of my mountain friends have turned me on to this series, a Masterpiece Theater production, available on Amazon Prime. It is post Revolutionary War period, from the perspective of Ross Poldark, a Captain in the British Army. After their loss, Poldark comes back to Cornwall, England, to find his love interest about to marry another, his father dead and the estate that he inherits in disarray. He constantly finds lemons, and turns them into lemonade, so to speak...

Poldark is a classic in the UK, so much so that they did a remake recently.

I've been watching Poldark on PBS for the past four or five years.

It's OK, but not that great.

One of the absurd things about it is how the women dress. They wear dresses with plunging necklines that show off their cleavage during a puritanical age when real women wore high collars that covered their entire necks. Also, the pro-social justice and equality attitudes and positions they hold are straight out of 2019 rather than 1769.

Poldark's wife Demelza regularly mouths off to him, bitches about womens' equality and in one scene, (laughably) even though he's supposed to be a tough, military trained and highly competent fighter, she punches him in the face with her little girly fist so hard, she knocks him flat on his ass.

But of course, he "deserved it" because he cheated on her with his ex.

Pretty fucking ridiculous.
Down puppy, down.

At the end of season two slimy banker is making enemies of all his new neighbors.

I'm on season three now. Slimy banker has already alienated his adopted son. It's going to be a hoot when slimy banker finds out his first born son is actually Poldark's.