APP - Police violence against black men is rare

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

They have as almost as much chance of being struck by lightning or killed by a terrorist as be a victim of police violence. The statistics in this article are pretty clear. However, there is a narrative by the media and the SJW crowd that life just isn't safe for a black man in America. The truth is that a black man has a greater chance of being killed by another black man. That is statistical fact.

Unfortunately, because the SJW and the media perpetrate this lie that there is some sort of "epidemic" they instill in the minds of blacks that they are victims and lead them to make poor decisions when they do interact with the police.

It is a shame what some in black leadership have done to their own people in a desperate attempt to gain levers of power. I think there are slivers of hope that many black people are waking up to the lies they have been told by the democrat party and the media