Political alignments


I'm going to assign each political tendency to a D&D alignment:

Lawful Good: Socialism
Neutral Good: Centre-Left
Chaotic Good: Social Liberal
Lawful Neutral: Populist
True Neutral: Moderate
Chaotic Neutral: Classical Liberal
Lawful Evil: Fascist
Neutral Evil: Conservative
Chaotic Evil: Libertarian
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It makes sense to me. But then, I spent a good bit of time playing D&D when I was in the navy. We'd go out, dive and then cruise around in big circles for a couple of months. What else you gonna do?

I just think that trying to put people in neat categories is a waste of time.
It makes sense to me. But then, I spent a good bit of time playing D&D when I was in the navy. We'd go out, dive and then cruise around in big circles for a couple of months. What else you gonna do?

I heard you navy boys liked all that role playing stuff, running around dressed up and that.

There's just something about a goblin seaman which seems so natural.
I heard you navy boys liked all that role playing stuff, running around dressed up and that.

There's just something about a goblin seaman which seems so natural.

I was on a submarine. Nothing natural about taking a billion dollar boat out and sinking it on purpose.
I was on a submarine. Nothing natural about taking a billion dollar boat out and sinking it on purpose.

Was it the same one as Damo? I'm sure he's often remarked how he frequently found himself going down on a large vessel in his, impressionable, younger days.

(i think i've been watching too many Carry On films over Christmas)
Did you? I used to love those! I watched a lot of AbFab reruns, plus their special for Xmas. I've missed that show.

There have been at least 3 Carry On's a day on various channels the last couple of weeks.

Do you get all the AbFabs on BBC America?
There have been at least 3 Carry On's a day on various channels the last couple of weeks.

Do you get all the AbFabs on BBC America?

Yes, though I think that now that the holidays are past they may have discontinued them again. The newest "special" disappointed me only in that the theme song was really draggy and nearly flat, as if it aged along with all the participants. Jennifer Saunders' character sometimes reminds me a bit (though greatly exaggerated of course and absent the selfishness) of a dear friend of mine in Ottawa.

We've really got into watching "Top Gear"; it's a lot of fun, too.
Yes, though I think that now that the holidays are past they may have discontinued them again. The newest "special" disappointed me only in that the theme song was really draggy and nearly flat, as if it aged along with all the participants. Jennifer Saunders' character sometimes reminds me a bit (though greatly exaggerated of course and absent the selfishness) of a dear friend of mine in Ottawa.

We've really got into watching "Top Gear"; it's a lot of fun, too.

Look out for the Top Gear Vietnamese challenge. It's just been shown here a couple of weeks ago (i don't know how quickly BBC America show things).

Bearing in mind one of them travels the length of Vietnam in a modified motorbike painted with the stars and stripes and playing a looping version of Bruce Springsteen's 'Born in the USA', it's worth watching if you get a chance.