Political Phrasing


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Ok, there's a smart liberal on the Ohio State board on Rivals that calls the soon to be Bush tax cuts that are expiring the Bush/GOP tax increase.

I'm not asking this in any type of partisan way. I've just never heard this positioned argued before. He says because the tax cuts were not made permanent in 2001 and had an expiration date in 2011 they are Bush's tax raises. So essentially Bush cut and raised taxes at the same time in 2001.

I can't say I've heard any other pundit or politician use this line of rhetoric so I was curious what others think.
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)... said at the press conference, “If we left the Republican policies in place, their [working Americans] taxes would be increased next year. We’re not going to let that happen.”

According to the Associated Press, Senate Finance Committee Democrats proposed last week to allow the Bush tax cuts for the “wealthy to expire next year while permanently extending the middle-class tax cuts.”

UPI reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said that House Democrats plan to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class but not for the wealthy.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is currently encouraging Congress to continue the Bush tax cuts for individuals making under $250,000 a year and to raise taxes on those with income above that amount.


Is this what you were talking about?
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)... said at the press conference, “If we left the Republican policies in place, their [working Americans] taxes would be increased next year. We’re not going to let that happen.”

According to the Associated Press, Senate Finance Committee Democrats proposed last week to allow the Bush tax cuts for the “wealthy to expire next year while permanently extending the middle-class tax cuts.”

UPI reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said that House Democrats plan to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class but not for the wealthy.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is currently encouraging Congress to continue the Bush tax cuts for individuals making under $250,000 a year and to raise taxes on those with income above that amount.


Is this what you were talking about?

Well at least they are finally admitting that his cuts were not "just for the rich"!!!!

The sunset expiration was the only way he could get democrats to vote for them.

Letting taxes increase on the wealthy will further push our economy over the brink.
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)... said at the press conference, “If we left the Republican policies in place, their [working Americans] taxes would be increased next year. We’re not going to let that happen.”

According to the Associated Press, Senate Finance Committee Democrats proposed last week to allow the Bush tax cuts for the “wealthy to expire next year while permanently extending the middle-class tax cuts.”

UPI reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said that House Democrats plan to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class but not for the wealthy.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Obama administration is currently encouraging Congress to continue the Bush tax cuts for individuals making under $250,000 a year and to raise taxes on those with income above that amount.


Is this what you were talking about?

Ok yeah, that first sentence from Hoyer is how this guy on the other board is trying to say it.
Charles Krauthammer said it best, when asked about the Democrat plan to run on the Bush Tax Cuts expiring... He said, it is "brilliant!" It's the only way the Democrats can successfully run against "Bush" this cycle, where otherwise, it would be an absurd notion.
Actually, there's a mandatory sunset for anything passed through reconciliation.


Not true. The Byrd Rule (sunset provision) is used when a provision is considered to be "extraneous" in reconciliation. Bush agreed to the sunset provision aka the Byrd Rule to satisfy democrats.
Ok, there's a smart liberal on the Ohio State board on Rivals that calls the soon to be Bush tax cuts that are expiring the Bush/GOP tax increase.

I'm not asking this in any type of partisan way. I've just never heard this positioned argued before. He says because the tax cuts were not made permanent in 2001 and had an expiration date in 2011 they are Bush's tax raises. So essentially Bush cut and raised taxes at the same time in 2001.

I can't say I've heard any other pundit or politician use this line of rhetoric so I was curious what others think.
I've never heard that rationalization. Since my income didn't put me in the top 5% or the bottom quarter of earners my overall tax load went up as a result of the Bush tax cuts during the Bush years. My federal income tax went down by a few percent but my state and local tax went up due to decreased federal revenues to the States and regressive forms of taxation, such sales tax and sin taxes also went up so that my over all tax burden, as a percentage of my income, actually went up over the Bush years vs the Clinton years.