I'm really starting to think the Obama can undo the Reagan coalition and build an Obama coalition of liberals, moderates, and fiscal conservatives. Really, there's a lot of things you can say about Obama, but "socialist" isn't one of them. The reason the moderates left the Democratic party years back was because they had morphed liberalism into socialism and didn't really even believe in the markets anymore. Obama believes in the markets. He's a free trade. Even though he has a universal healthcare scheme, it's a market-oriented one. Obama brings back liberalisms good name, before it was sold to socialism.
What are your thoughts? I've noticed on this site at least that a lot of fiscal conservatives are going towards Obama rather than McCain. And also on the national scene, George Will seems to be splitting with the Republicans in this election for Obama.
It'll kill the Dems if they nominate Hillary, though... she can probably win the election, but she just isn't going to accomplish much.
What are your thoughts? I've noticed on this site at least that a lot of fiscal conservatives are going towards Obama rather than McCain. And also on the national scene, George Will seems to be splitting with the Republicans in this election for Obama.
It'll kill the Dems if they nominate Hillary, though... she can probably win the election, but she just isn't going to accomplish much.