Political Reprisals

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
The political currents look strong that the Dem's will win the White house and increase their margin in congress. If they can increase their margin to 66 in the Senate, what kind of political reprisals will we see?

I would certainly love to see the IRS go after the evengelical, fundamentalist and conservative churches who have essentially become an organ of the Republican party. They all need to be seriously investigated to determine if they have crossed the line and if so, have their tax exempt status removed.

Now I know evengelical churches and if there's one thing they love more than Jesus, it's money! I can hear the howling now! LOL
A 66 margin would be hellaciously optimistic. If the Democrats reach it, they will be building it on the backs of Dems elected in conservative states who can't be counted on to vote for liberal issues.

Ronnie Musgrove, a Dem, is favored to win the seat vacated by Trent Lott, but if you'll remember, he was the governer of Mississippi who offered to house the ten commandments in Mississippi supreme court when the Alabama supreme court through them out. That's really not the kind of people you want to count on to vote for your cause.
Thank GOD for having a conservative Supreme Court to balance any insane social issues of any immoral liberal!

Thank GOD I'm not an Evangelical or any other of the New Age so called Christians!

Thank GOD I'm not a partisen!
A 66 margin would be hellaciously optimistic. If the Democrats reach it, they will be building it on the backs of Dems elected in conservative states who can't be counted on to vote for liberal issues.

Ronnie Musgrove, a Dem, is favored to win the seat vacated by Trent Lott, but if you'll remember, he was the governer of Mississippi who offered to house the ten commandments in Mississippi supreme court when the Alabama supreme court through them out. That's really not the kind of people you want to count on to vote for your cause.

Well it wouldn't necessarily require congressional support. Keep in mind that the IRS is part of the executive branch of government and it would not really require the support of congress to proceed with investigating evengelical churches. It would only really be important in building party consensus.
I don't look for political reprisals, just undoing some of the things the Republicans have screwed up badly.

But yes Churches should live by the rules of our country just like everyone else.
They should not be allwed to be extentions of a political party and still be tax exempt.
If they want to trade their tax emption for political purposes that is fine.
I don't look for political reprisals, just undoing some of the things the Republicans have screwed up badly.

But yes Churches should live by the rules of our country just like everyone else.
They should not be allwed to be extentions of a political party and still be tax exempt.
If they want to trade their tax emption for political purposes that is fine.

Got a quick question for you guys. As a preacher if I preach a sermon where I point out that abortion is murder, is that crossing political lines? If I preach a sermon that points out that homosexuality is sin, does that cross political lines? Do I become a "partisan hack" for the Republican party?
Got a quick question for you guys. As a preacher if I preach a sermon where I point out that abortion is murder, is that crossing political lines? If I preach a sermon that points out that homosexuality is sin, does that cross political lines? Do I become a "partisan hack" for the Republican party?

Nope, but if you mention a political party, candidates or refer to liberals as the spawn of satan, that would be stepping over the line.

I know and respect a couple of preachers who keep it seperate and more that do not. As I was leaving a service a few years ago I asked the preacher if he knew Jesus in his day and time was a radical liberal ?
It was pretty funny ;)
Got a quick question for you guys. As a preacher if I preach a sermon where I point out that abortion is murder, is that crossing political lines? If I preach a sermon that points out that homosexuality is sin, does that cross political lines? Do I become a "partisan hack" for the Republican party?

Apparently not, because my preacher did that all the time. All he talked about was politics, barely a mention of God except to frame his political beliefs.

But he didn't mention candidates themselves, so it was fine. The only time in recent memory a church has had tax exemption removed was whenever they started running anti-Clinton ads in newspapers with tax exempt money.
I expected responses like this from sensible people (yes folks, I am calling Watermark sensible - he can be sometimes :)). I really think there are some out there who would call such preaching "political" or "hate speech" and try to have it censored. Haven't they done something like this in some countries?

I mean I preach against sin all the time and try to keep it in proportion with what the folks in my neck of the woods need. For instance I preach against adultery and fornication much more than I preach against homosexuality because the latter is hardly happening at all where I live. Just a "for instance" type of thing here. Thanks for the response.

As a side note, I did mention a political candidate in a sermon a few months ago. It was Obama. I was conducting a study on the religion of Islam and wanted my folks to know that Obama definitely wasn't one....I had overheard some conversations.
you sound like you are as much of a teacher as a preacher Leaning. My favorite kind of preacher :clink:
That was a lemonaide clink as I very rarely drink alc.