Political satire in GTA 4




i like the GTA's and i used to love playing video games but strange after i passed 30 i just cant get into them anymore. I like online simplistic pogo type games now.

I definitely have a hard time justifying buying a PS3 just to get that game.
iam a gamer and i have never like the GTA series... they are boring to me... maybe i am getting old
They are definately designed for young males.

You can cruise and do anything you want. My 19 year old son loves them and thinks they are hilarious.
They are definately designed for young males.

You can cruise and do anything you want. My 19 year old son loves them and thinks they are hilarious.

ya, maybe i just had too much real life pratice at that type of game...
I've never really liked the GTA series. If you get to "open", you can't really have much of a story. Just look at Oblivion. No one ever does the main storyline.

Then again, not many games have a great storyline anyway. The only game I every played that had a "great" story was Shadow of the Collossus, although it was more like a short story with long stretches of gameplay thrown in.
gta is a great game to buy once the price comes down and it's only like 20ish bucks. It's a good time killer when you are bored.. do a few missions, drive a car around, shoot stuff up.. etc.
gta is a great game to buy once the price comes down and it's only like 20ish bucks. It's a good time killer when you are bored.. do a few missions, drive a car around, shoot stuff up.. etc.

20 bucks? Gonna be a long wait...

GTA4 must be the highest priced game in history. It's selling on both systems for 90 bucks.
it is 60 like almost every other new game. The 90 dollar one is for dummies that want a GTA4 gym bag to go with the game.

It is well worth 60 bucks unless you are poor.
it is 60 like almost every other new game. The 90 dollar one is for dummies that want a GTA4 gym bag to go with the game.

It is well worth 60 bucks unless you are poor.

i dont concider myself poor, but i am broke... weddings are way too exspensive.. plus i usaly try not to by games durring the spring and summer. but even if i were to go buy a game it probably wouldnt be GTA, i just not a big fan

Totally disagree with all of that BS.

ZOMG?! Did I just say something unlibertarian?

It's just a fact. An open gameplay style is antithetical to having a good story. GTA has a huge world with a lot of copied and pasted shit and systems badly designed to imitate real systems. It's fun to go blow things up but it's not any sort of artistic acheivment in itself, and GTA and other open games always get mundane after a few hours of gameplay. I don't know why so many games want so desperately to be a "real life simulator". I don't want a real life simulator. I've got a real life, and it's boring as hell. I want a game. I'll admit that GTA is probably better than Oblivion - Oblivion and Morrowind both massively overshot themselves. They're chock full of mundane content that nobody is every going to bother to complete fully. They didn't spend enough time on any individual element, so it's a massive amount of mediocore, rather than a mediocore amount of good. Unfortunately, that seems to be the way most games are designed today.

Take a look at Shadow of the Collossus. They spent four years crafting a world much smaller than GTA. But you don't get that same copy and pasted feel with everything that you get in Oblivion and GTA. They spent that time working on whats important - story and gameplay. Even Final Fantasy, with its random montage of barely related incidents coupled with an ending, is more fun in the playing that GTA. The linear style at least gives them room to work on some semblance of a story.

I'm sorry if that doesn't seem libertarian enough for you. But art doesn't fit into political philosophy.
ZOMG?! Did I just say something unlibertarian?

It's just a fact. An open gameplay style is antithetical to having a good story. GTA has a huge world with a lot of copied and pasted shit and systems badly designed to imitate real systems. It's fun to go blow things up but it's not any sort of artistic acheivment in itself, and GTA and other open games always get mundane after a few hours of gameplay. I don't know why so many games want so desperately to be a "real life simulator". I don't want a real life simulator. I've got a real life, and it's boring as hell. I want a game. I'll admit that GTA is probably better than Oblivion - Oblivion and Morrowind both massively overshot themselves. They're chock full of mundane content that nobody is every going to bother to complete fully. They didn't spend enough time on any individual element, so it's a massive amount of mediocore, rather than a mediocore amount of good. Unfortunately, that seems to be the way most games are designed today.

Take a look at Shadow of the Collossus. They spent four years crafting a world much smaller than GTA. But you don't get that same copy and pasted feel with everything that you get in Oblivion and GTA. They spent that time working on whats important - story and gameplay. Even Final Fantasy, with its random montage of barely related incidents coupled with an ending, is more fun in the playing that GTA. The linear style at least gives them room to work on some semblance of a story.

I'm sorry if that doesn't seem libertarian enough for you. But art doesn't fit into political philosophy.

Why the fuck are you babbling about libertarianism? It's a game.

I said your post was BS because the Morrowind and GTA series kick ass. Open-ended games are the shit. I'll trade a hackish, B-movie storyline anyday for a nonlinear game.

It's just a difference in taste; namely that I have some.

Don't flip your shit.
It's just a difference in taste; namely that I have some.

You are the greatest satirist of our age, Epi.

There is certainly a difference between a b-movie hackish story that draws you in, like Final Fantasy, and a b-movie hackish story that bores you to death, like Morrowind. It's a gigantic world full of sameness. They should've spent their time on something other than copy and pasting 10 same characters into 10 same cities who spat out the same quests and the same dialogue and expected this to move you. These kinds of games are able to keep your attention - at most - for about a few hours, until you realize that it's all basically the same shit.
i dont concider myself poor, but i am broke... weddings are way too exspensive.. plus i usaly try not to by games durring the spring and summer. but even if i were to go buy a game it probably wouldnt be GTA, i just not a big fan

Well ya if you don't like that tyope of game that is another thing entirely. You getting married? Congrats man.

FYI my 360 red ringed on Friday. It couldn't handle the awesomeness of GTA4.