Politics enter Beijing’s Winter Games


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Politics enter Beijing’s Winter Games


China in Focus
Tiffany Meier

Politics enter Beijing’s Winter Games. Despite the rule keeping politics out of sports, host city Beijing opts to repeat its “One China” policy during an Olympic panel.

Summer 2008 vs. Winter 2022—Tibet takes a radically different response to Beijing hosting the Olympics. Some blame it on generational change under the Communist Party.

A turning point for Japan’s relations with its communist neighbors. The country may soon expand its self-defense only policy to include striking enemy military bases.

And for those watching our full episode: Hong Kong reports 60 times more COVID-19 infections this month than last. Despite the city’s “zero-cases” policy, some patients are getting pushed out of overcrowded hospitals.

And the NBA’s most outspoken player on human rights abuses is in the spotlight, after he was traded to another team, but released the same day.