PolitiFact to launch PunditFact, checking pundits and media figures


This is going to be great. Now we won't need to scrounge through dozens of websites to prove how much RW pundits lie through their teeth.

"PolitiFact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking website of the Tampa Bay Times, will soon launch PunditFact, a site dedicated to checking claims by pundits, columnists, bloggers and the hosts and guests of talk shows. PunditFact is being funded by $625,000 in grants over two years from the Ford Foundation and the Democracy Fund. Seed money for the project was provided by craigconnects, the Web-based initiative to support philanthropy and public service run by Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist.

PunditFact is a partnership of PolitiFact and the Poynter Institute, the journalism school that owns the Tampa Bay Times. Poynter will be analyzing the reach and impact of PunditFact and will hold a conference to discuss the results. The new site will have a dedicated staff of journalists who will research claims by media figures and rate them using PolitiFact’s Truth-O-Meter. The fact-checks will be published on PunditFact.com and will often be featured on the main PolitiFact site.

Although PolitiFact has done occasional fact-checks of pundits and talk show hosts, the new venture will mark the first time that staffers have been dedicated to checking media figures. "Pundits on TV and radio, as well as bloggers and columnists, are prominent voices in our political discourse, yet sometimes they blur the lines between opinion and fact," said Neil Brown, editor and vice president of the Times. "Now we will hold them accountable, much as we’ve done with politicians."

Although I believe this will certainly highlight some leftie loonies I remain convinced the rightwingnuts have 10 times more to atone for. How to tell when a rightwinger is lying? When their lips move. This really is gonna be GREAT!!!!!!

Although I believe this will certainly highlight some leftie loonies I remain convinced the rightwingnuts have 10 times more to atone for. How to tell when a rightwinger is lying? When their lips move. This really is gonna be GREAT!!!!!!


I totally agree. You just have to go to the Pants-on-Fire section of Politifact to see who spouts the most lies. I can't wait till this is up and running.
This is going to be great. Now we won't need to scrounge through dozens of websites to prove how much RW pundits lie through their teeth.

"PolitiFact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking website of the Tampa Bay Times, will soon launch PunditFact, a site dedicated to checking claims by pundits, columnists, bloggers and the hosts and guests of talk shows. PunditFact is being funded by $625,000 in grants over two years from the Ford Foundation and the Democracy Fund. Seed money for the project was provided by craigconnects, the Web-based initiative to support philanthropy and public service run by Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist.

PunditFact is a partnership of PolitiFact and the Poynter Institute, the journalism school that owns the Tampa Bay Times. Poynter will be analyzing the reach and impact of PunditFact and will hold a conference to discuss the results. The new site will have a dedicated staff of journalists who will research claims by media figures and rate them using PolitiFact’s Truth-O-Meter. The fact-checks will be published on PunditFact.com and will often be featured on the main PolitiFact site.

Although PolitiFact has done occasional fact-checks of pundits and talk show hosts, the new venture will mark the first time that staffers have been dedicated to checking media figures. "Pundits on TV and radio, as well as bloggers and columnists, are prominent voices in our political discourse, yet sometimes they blur the lines between opinion and fact," said Neil Brown, editor and vice president of the Times. "Now we will hold them accountable, much as we’ve done with politicians."


Sorta like the NYT obudsman fact checking the NYT? High five all around! Wait, you've already done that.


Sorta like the NYT obudsman fact checking the NYT? High five all around! Wait, you've already done that.

Just the facts, ma'am.

"The fact-checking organization PolitiFact has found Republicans to be less trustworthy than Democrats, according to a new study.

Fifty-two percent of Republican claims reviewed by the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking operation were rated "mostly false," “false” or “pants on fire,” versus just 24 percent of Democratic statements, according to George Mason University's Center for Media and Public Affairs. By the same token, 54 percent of Democratic statements were rated as "mostly true" or "true," compared to just 18 percent of Republican statements."


Not sure why it's a surprise.

We've been saying this for awhile. Granted, the sequester helps on this, but yes, spending is falling.

It's just the repubs prefer to say "the sky is falling" so they can get their way.

Deficit is shrinking too.

Unfortunately, our austerity tactics have kept unemployment from shrinking as much as it might have.
Sorta like the NYT obudsman fact checking the NYT? High five all around! Wait, you've already done that.

um annie how is that right wing circle jerk of information treating you?

Your party only accepts it news from ONE station.

that station tells them EVERYONE else is lying to them.

your the party built on lies
“No más pantalones.”


Data: PolitiFact's 'Pants on Fire' Awarded Overwhelmingly to Republicans, Conservatives

The most impressive result is how PolitiFact treated Mitt Romney. He has received a "Pants on Fire" ruling more than twice than that of any other politician except Michele Bachmann. And, according to PolitiFact, Bachmann herself is far and away a worse liar than any other pol besides Romney. Amazingly, Romney's "Pants on Fire" hits are three times more than Obama's and Obama has had seven years of campaigning and four years of Presidency during which he's committed one lie after another.
the long lived republican tactic of saying one thing to one group and another thing to another group is dead.