Poll: Foley scandal ranks low among election issues


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Only about a quarter of Americans say the scandal over former Rep. Mark Foley will be "extremely important" in how they vote in November's congressional elections, according to a CNN poll released Tuesday.

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Only 25% find the "extremely Important" ? Think about this a little bit. 27% considered North Korea having the bomb as extremely important ....sigh....
Only 25% find the "extremely Important" ? Think about this a little bit. 27% considered North Korea having the bomb as extremely important ....sigh....

I really don't understand the Bush administration on this.

Aren't the Republicans and their friends in the NRA believers in the wrong headed doctrine that the more people have weapons the safer we all are? Aren't they the ones who want the right to kill laws and aren't they the ones who want the everyone should have a gun laws? Isn't it a rightie who wrote the book that argued that the more people that had guns and carried them the safer the country would be?

So what is wrong with everybody having a nuclear bomb. If everyone having a gun is good think how much safer we will be if everyone has a nuclear weapon. There are no less than thirty more governments who want the bomb. I say sell them all the bomb. The more people who have the bomb the safer we will all be.

That's why I don't agree with Bush's approach and why I am confused.
I think it is significant that 25% find the foley issue EXTREMELY IMPORTANT as a voting issue. This clearly illistrates the one issue voters. Probably the extreme gay phobic right wingers.
I think it is significant that 25% find the foley issue EXTREMELY IMPORTANT as a voting issue. This clearly illistrates the one issue voters. Probably the extreme gay phobic right wingers.
Or Yellow Dog Democrats that any negative news would make report "Very Important" when it pertains to the Rs.
I think the Yellow Dog Dems are more concerned about other issues.
I think they and Dixie are the ones posting about Foley on another thread. This gives lie to that theory.

I think that many believe that this is exciting and would report that it was "Extremely Important" to get that listed in the poll more...
I think they and Dixie are the ones posting about Foley on another thread. This gives lie to that theory.

I think that many believe that this is exciting and would report that it was "Extremely Important" to get that listed in the poll more...

dixie is trying like heck to spin it off on the dems, but they seem to be having none of it.
Either way, there appears to be two groups in there thinking it is "important"... And the largest isn't Rightwing Nuts...
Well according to some polls and such I have read, the "rightwing nuts" are turning off to the Bush administration. Many say they will just not vote, not too many have decided to vote demoncratic though.
Well according to some polls and such I have read, the "rightwing nuts" are turning off to the Bush administration. Many say they will just not vote, not too many have decided to vote demoncratic though.
Those nuts never "stay home". They get right up to it then decide to go anyway... They're "nuts" remember?
Strange that the foley issue was pretty evenly spread accross the board. Pretty much the same as the same sex marriage issues numbers, which for some reason was only asked of half the samples......