Poll Shows Dems Do Believe War Is Lost

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Poll Shows Dems Do Believe War Is Lost

This poll shows the party breakdown on simple straight forward questions

The numbers come as no shock to me - but it might to some of you

IBD/TIPP Poll: War Is Not Lost, And Victory Is Important
Posted: Monday, May 14, 2007 4:30 PM PT

Contrary to the assessment of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, most Americans surveyed in the latest IBD/TIPP Poll do not believe the U.S. has lost the war in Iraq.

In fact, they believe the war is winnable and that victory is important. They are not against a timetable for withdrawal, but feel stabilization of the country should come first. They also believe that conduct of war should be left to generals, not Congress, and Congress' war authorization should not be repealed.

61% say VICTORY in Iraq is important to them

To see the poll

Where are all the Dems?

I understand how they would take one look at the party breakdown and have fear and terror run through their soul

It is something to see such huge numbers showing Dems REALLY do want to suuredner in Iraq and do not consider victory important