Poll: US Shares Blame for China Products


Villified User
Poll: US Shares Blame for China Products

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Most Americans say the United States itself bears at least some blame for the rash of unsafe products from China, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll released Thursday.

With the tally of Chinese goods bearing high levels of chemicals and toxins growing almost daily, people in the survey reserved the bulk of their ire for Chinese companies. Nearly two-thirds, or 64 percent, said Chinese firms making the tainted products deserve a lot of the responsibility - more than anyone else.

Even so, by a broader measure there was widespread consensus that plenty of blame can be spread on both sides of the Pacific. Eighty-four percent said Chinese manufacturers and the U.S. businesses which sell Chinese products in this country deserve some or a lot of culpability for the problem.

In addition, while 79 percent said the Chinese government bears at least some fault, a similar 75 percent said the same about the U.S. government. And 71 percent said U.S. consumers insisting on low-cost goods have at least some responsibility as well.
