Pombo is TOAST!


For all my fellow anti-Republicans, it's not just that they lost, it's who they lost. Some of the most senior and powerful Republicans will be gone, along with their influence . . . and prejudices.

It may not seem like much, but rejoice. Richard Pombo is gone. If you don't know who he is . . . well, never mind. He's not important anymore. But he was, oh yes. He was, perhaps, the most powerful anti-environmentalist in the House.

Now, he's out of a job. BUWAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!
Naah, he will be there as a lobbyist paid by those who have been paying him for years, just above the table now.
For all my fellow anti-Republicans, it's not just that they lost, it's who they lost. Some of the most senior and powerful Republicans will be gone, along with their influence . . . and prejudices.

It may not seem like much, but rejoice. Richard Pombo is gone. If you don't know who he is . . . well, never mind. He's not important anymore. But he was, oh yes. He was, perhaps, the most powerful anti-environmentalist in the House.

Now, he's out of a job. BUWAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!

Pombo was an ass. Good riddance.
For all my fellow anti-Republicans, it's not just that they lost, it's who they lost. Some of the most senior and powerful Republicans will be gone, along with their influence . . . and prejudices.

It may not seem like much, but rejoice. Richard Pombo is gone. If you don't know who he is . . . well, never mind. He's not important anymore. But he was, oh yes. He was, perhaps, the most powerful anti-environmentalist in the House.

Now, he's out of a job. BUWAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!

I'm sure he'll get a plum lobbying position with some copper, coal, or smelting company or other intensive polluting industry.

Of course, his power will be much reduced but he will continue to have some influence.

How about that Bernie Sanders, took it from a multi-millionaire by 60 percent. Who says you can't sell a socialist agenda to the American people. It just has to be explained.
