Teflon Don
I'm back baby
Looks like his political treason isn’t yielding the desired effects from his supposed friends on the left
It sort of reminds me of two JPP NeverTrumpers who seek validation from the JPP liberals by disavowing Trump only to find themselves treated poorly
Now they have no political home. They will never be accepted by the left and will always be seen as traitors by the right.
They narcissistically proclaim that they alone are fighting for “traditional conservative principles” and think that everyone else just needs to wake up from their stupor.
I know I personally will never forgive NeverTrumpers. They are worse than liberals in my book
I am glad the NeverTrumpers are political outcasts
Looks like his political treason isn’t yielding the desired effects from his supposed friends on the left
It sort of reminds me of two JPP NeverTrumpers who seek validation from the JPP liberals by disavowing Trump only to find themselves treated poorly
Now they have no political home. They will never be accepted by the left and will always be seen as traitors by the right.
They narcissistically proclaim that they alone are fighting for “traditional conservative principles” and think that everyone else just needs to wake up from their stupor.
I know I personally will never forgive NeverTrumpers. They are worse than liberals in my book
I am glad the NeverTrumpers are political outcasts