APP - Poor Max Boot

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Looks like his political treason isn’t yielding the desired effects from his supposed friends on the left

It sort of reminds me of two JPP NeverTrumpers who seek validation from the JPP liberals by disavowing Trump only to find themselves treated poorly

Now they have no political home. They will never be accepted by the left and will always be seen as traitors by the right.

They narcissistically proclaim that they alone are fighting for “traditional conservative principles” and think that everyone else just needs to wake up from their stupor.

I know I personally will never forgive NeverTrumpers. They are worse than liberals in my book

I am glad the NeverTrumpers are political outcasts
You didn't vote for McCain or Romney, no problem in your eyes. But someone didn't vote for Trump and now they are traitors? Rather self serving wouldn't you say?
You didn't vote for McCain or Romney, no problem in your eyes. But someone didn't vote for Trump and now they are traitors? Rather self serving wouldn't you say?

Not talking about the actual vote. You don’t get it. You will never get it. And more importantly you don’t want to get it

Question: do you want the GOP to keep the House and Senate or do you agree with Max Boot and other NeverTrumpers like yourself that they should lose?
Not talking about the actual vote. You don’t get it. You will never get it. And more importantly you don’t want to get it

Question: do you want the GOP to keep the House and Senate or do you agree with Max Boot and other NeverTrumpers like yourself that they should lose?

How is that even a question? Why, as a Republican, would I want to lose control of Congress?

And I get everything just fine. Double standard for yourself.
How is that even a question? Why, as a Republican, would I want to lose control of Congress?

And I get everything just fine. Double standard for yourself.

Your indignation is noted. But you didn’t answer the question

Do you agree with Max Boot? Yes or No?

What policies has Trump pushed that you oppose?

I know you will say tariffs. But what others are not conservative enough for your?
My guess is that our JPP NeverTrumpers really want the GOP to get crushed in the midterms.

They have it worse politically than liberals right now. They are politically homeless.

They so desperately want to be able to say “I TOLD YOU SO”

What they don’t get is that 2016 was not about Trump. He was the only one to seize on what was going on in the electorate and capitalized on it.

What brought us Trump was years of following the NeverTrumper way. Talk talk talk. But never doing
Your indignation is noted. But you didn’t answer the question

Do you agree with Max Boot? Yes or No?

What policies has Trump pushed that you oppose?

I know you will say tariffs. But what others are not conservative enough for your?

How many times in the past have you rooted for Republicans to lose Congress because you hate Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell? I never have. This is almost Desh like. It's fine for you to not vote for Republicans for President but not others. It's fine you to root for Republicans to lose Congress but not others. (of which I never have. Feel free to find a single post out of my thousands where I've rooted for Republicans to lose Congress.) You know what else is funny ILA? You openly root for Ryan and McConnell to lose and yet when I expressed pleasure at Roy Moore losing you went ape shit.

Just straight up double standard.
How many times in the past have you rooted for Republicans to lose Congress because you hate Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell? I never have. This is almost Desh like. It's fine for you to not vote for Republicans for President but not others. It's fine you to root for Republicans to lose Congress but not others. (of which I never have. Feel free to find a single post out of my thousands where I've rooted for Republicans to lose Congress.) You know what else is funny ILA? You openly root for Ryan and McConnell to lose and yet when I expressed pleasure at Roy Moore losing you went ape shit.

Just straight up double standard.

You said a lot of words but you refuse to answer a pretty simple question

Do you agree with Max Boot that the Republicans should lose this mid term to teach them a lesson?

Why won’t you answer. I suspect your obfuscation is designed to hide your true feelings. It is ok. Own it
You said a lot of words but you refuse to answer a pretty simple question

Do you agree with Max Boot that the Republicans should lose this mid term to teach them a lesson?

Why won’t you answer. I suspect your obfuscation is designed to hide your true feelings. It is ok. Own it

You don't like your hypocrisy being exposed. I understand.
You don't like your hypocrisy being exposed. I understand.

I can only assume that you agree with Max Boot

Oh and for the record when I opposed McConnell and Ryan it is specifically because they turned their back on conservative policies like repealing Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood like they campaigned on.

I am merely asking you a straightforward question you are obviously afraid to answer. It is ok if you want the GOP to lose because of your pride.

Let me ask you this question. After two years is there anything Trump has done to prove your impressions wrong policy wise. Forget the tweets.

What has he done policy wise you want to see stopped. Other than tariffs