APP - Popping in and popping out.


I saw her in the shimmering water
Dancing and spinning her pale white clothes
I saw her face as she moved closer
Over the waves that led to the shore.

Then I knew we would be joined in passion
And she touched my cheek and spun away.
But I knew she must return and so I waited
And she came as a scorned lover comes with noise and fury.

She swirled and danced and shook me to pieces
She called my name and her laughter bit deep.
Oh brief time of ecstasy and the lingering agony as we tried
To pick ourselves up from that ruined affair.

I still remember when I see sad faces and broken lives
I still remember her swirling dresses
I still remember standing helpless
As Katrina swirled her skirts and left me
I saw her in the shimmering water
Dancing and spinning her pale white clothes
I saw her face as she moved closer
Over the waves that led to the shore.

Then I knew we would be joined in passion
And she touched my cheek and spun away.
But I knew she must return and so I waited
And she came as a scorned lover comes with noise and fury.

She swirled and danced and shook me to pieces
She called my name and her laughter bit deep.
Oh brief time of ecstasy and the lingering agony as we tried
To pick ourselves up from that ruined affair.

I still remember when I see sad faces and broken lives
I still remember her swirling dresses
I still remember standing helpless
As Katrina swirled her skirts and left me
nice to know you are still around! big hugs!
I saw her in the shimmering water
Dancing and spinning her pale white clothes
I saw her face as she moved closer
Over the waves that led to the shore.

Then I knew we would be joined in passion
And she touched my cheek and spun away.
But I knew she must return and so I waited
And she came as a scorned lover comes with noise and fury.

She swirled and danced and shook me to pieces
She called my name and her laughter bit deep.
Oh brief time of ecstasy and the lingering agony as we tried
To pick ourselves up from that ruined affair.

I still remember when I see sad faces and broken lives
I still remember her swirling dresses
I still remember standing helpless
As Katrina swirled her skirts and left me

Hi, sweetie! Pop in and stay for awhile. We miss you.
I saw her in the shimmering water
Dancing and spinning her pale white clothes
I saw her face as she moved closer
Over the waves that led to the shore.

Then I knew we would be joined in passion
And she touched my cheek and spun away.
But I knew she must return and so I waited
And she came as a scorned lover comes with noise and fury.

She swirled and danced and shook me to pieces
She called my name and her laughter bit deep.
Oh brief time of ecstasy and the lingering agony as we tried
To pick ourselves up from that ruined affair.

I still remember when I see sad faces and broken lives
I still remember her swirling dresses
I still remember standing helpless
As Katrina swirled her skirts and left me
Low, good to see you again.

Mississippi and Louisiana will appreciate this. Especially New Orleans. It is beautiful. Did you write it? If not, will you please cite the author? I would like to distribute this to all here in NO who suffered those swirling skirts, and give credit.

Again, good to see you again.
I saw her in the shimmering water
Dancing and spinning her pale white clothes
I saw her face as she moved closer
Over the waves that led to the shore.

Then I knew we would be joined in passion
And she touched my cheek and spun away.
But I knew she must return and so I waited
And she came as a scorned lover comes with noise and fury.

She swirled and danced and shook me to pieces
She called my name and her laughter bit deep.
Oh brief time of ecstasy and the lingering agony as we tried
To pick ourselves up from that ruined affair.

I still remember when I see sad faces and broken lives
I still remember her swirling dresses
I still remember standing helpless
As Katrina swirled her skirts and left me

And all this time I thought you were too pooped to pop.
I saw her in the shimmering water
Dancing and spinning her pale white clothes
I saw her face as she moved closer
Over the waves that led to the shore.

Then I knew we would be joined in passion
And she touched my cheek and spun away.
But I knew she must return and so I waited
And she came as a scorned lover comes with noise and fury.

She swirled and danced and shook me to pieces
She called my name and her laughter bit deep.
Oh brief time of ecstasy and the lingering agony as we tried
To pick ourselves up from that ruined affair.

I still remember when I see sad faces and broken lives
I still remember her swirling dresses
I still remember standing helpless
As Katrina swirled her skirts and left me
The guy needs to remember that Katrina was great in bed, and then get over it already.
Threedee, he's over it. He wasn't here. He is just sympathetic.

It's people like me, who pass by 3 out of 4 houses on my way to work that are gutted and still have rescuers' spray-painted assurances that bodies had been removed from the premises who are not over it. It's people like me, who worried if we should evacuate New Orleans when that radar image was downloaded, and who was lambasted as being a "drama queen" by one in the other forum because I had never evacuated before. It's people like me who know that the federal, state and local governments, and the Corpse of Engineers killed thousands of American people.

It's people like me who know that it has happened again, with floods and tornadoes and earthquakes around the country, and the world.

So, should we all just "get over it"?

I'm not blaming you for not understanding. You were not here and probably don't understand the root of PTSD. We in New Orleans are probably not close to all being "post-traumatic", but the signs are everywhere. However, we're doing OK, thanks for asking.

We'll never "get over it".