Poppy Taking Heat for Junior's Behavior


Will work for Scooby snacks
Following a speech in Abu Dhabi, former President Bush was “forced to defend his son from verbal attacks” from a “hostile audience.”

“We do not respect your son,” a woman in the audience told Bush. “We do not respect what he’s doing all over the world.”

“Bush appeared stunned as the audience of young business leaders whooped and whistled in approval” at the woman’s comments, coming after the “retired president had just finished a folksy address on leadership by telling the audience how deeply hurt he feels when his son the president is criticized.”

George Sr. was concerned about his son's decision to invade every step of the way, but he made a point of leaving him to his own devices, even though a few people practically begged him to speak up about it.

That's a lot of lives, money & reputation to put on the line just because you think Jr. should figure out his own way in the world...
Reality usually sucks.
Young business leaders huh ? Darn sounds like the capitalists over there don't even like George Junior;)
George Sr. was concerned about his son's decision to invade every step of the way, but he made a point of leaving him to his own devices, even though a few people practically begged him to speak up about it.

That's a lot of lives, money & reputation to put on the line just because you think Jr. should figure out his own way in the world...
It's slightly ironic, in a way. Poppy was trying, I think, to be a good father and let his son make his own mistakes. In doing so he let his son put a monstrous divot in the family escutcheon . . . and our national honor.

The road to being a good dad isn't always clearly marked. While meddling can invalidate sonny's efforts and -- horrors! -- leave all traumatized and shit, letting him kill thousands of people, plunge a major foreign nation into chaos, squander the lion's share of our international credibility and damage our honor to an extent that will be difficult to repair in our lifetimes is worse. IMHO.

George Sr. was concerned about his son's decision to invade every step of the way, but he made a point of leaving him to his own devices, even though a few people practically begged him to speak up about it.

That's a lot of lives, money & reputation to put on the line just because you think Jr. should figure out his own way in the world...

Poppy did send his minions out into the public square in the run up to the war, to warn against invading.

Brent Scowcroft wrote a scathing editorial, warning against invading. I think Eagleburger and Baker made some cautionary notes about it too.

Those loyal minions of Poppy wouldn't have been as public in their dissent, without the explicit, behind-the-scenes approval of the old man.
George the Elder would not have taken the course his son had... this much is for sure.., all one has to do is go back in the archives and read George the Elders Speeches from the first Gulf War ....
But to say things like "let his son make his own mistakes" is preposterous! Whether we like it "ornot"... Junior is the Prsident ...numero uno... it his his day ..."The Elder" is not the Boss. Junior was appointed and then elected and we...whether we voted for him "ornot" live with the reults...because thats what happens in a Representative Republic form of Democratic Government.