Porn burgers

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

The day Mathew Ramsey went viral was nearly his last.

It was March 8, 2014, and traffic to his blog, PornBurger, had just gone through the roof.

As he was sitting at his kitchen table, watching it all happen, he took a bite of a ham sandwich and began to choke.

“I was like, ‘I am dead, and everything is about to happen right now,’ ” he says. He was about to self-Heimlich on the back of a chair when he finally coughed the ham out of his windpipe. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, my life just flashed over a stupid ham sandwich.’ ”

If Ramsey had bitten the dust, he wouldn’t have gone on to invent a burger-infused whiskey, or a marijuana-infused burger, or a Cheetos-infused tequila. And he certainly wouldn’t have gone on to write his pun-infused cookbook, “PornBurger: Hot Buns and Juicy Beefcakes.”

He is the Larry Flynt of burgers.

Ramsey creates each burger in his basement man-cave of an apartment, filled with kitchen gadgetry and watched over by Fred, a mounted antelope head, and Daniel Day-Lewis, a taxidermied squirrel paddling a tiny canoe. “Late-night stoner food,” he calls it.