It doesnt make me feel good to say this because all children deserve to grow up loved and included. But as we all know, can be mean. I have thought for years that most lefties were the kids who were never included, the ones picked last to play kickball,...the socially inept odd ducks. By joining the left they FINALLY feel included, like they are a part of something. For the record,....recent studies show that I was on the right track all along in my conclusions. Lefties themselves KNOW this as well. Like pimps drug dealers and other lowlives that earn their money by human trafficking and other usury the leftist power structure preys on these poor souls much like a pimp tells his girl he will love her forever and buy her the things she deserves if she will put in the work for him. Its sad really..... Leftist leadership is nothing more than common scumbag pimps,....always have been.