Possible H5N1 bird flu case in Marin County child; source of infection unknown


Let It Burn!

Health officials in Marin County are investigating a possible H5N1 bird flu case in a child.

Officials have been investigating since last week and are working with the California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine how the child was exposed.

The information was provided in a Friday “health status update” newsletter, and buried at the end of a paragraph about the county and state’s monitoring of the virus, raw milk and a note about a new USDA program designed to test milk nationwide.

Just in time for the trump admin to deal with it. RIP maga!

Health officials in Marin County are investigating a possible H5N1 bird flu case in a child.

Officials have been investigating since last week and are working with the California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to determine how the child was exposed.

The information was provided in a Friday “health status update” newsletter, and buried at the end of a paragraph about the county and state’s monitoring of the virus, raw milk and a note about a new USDA program designed to test milk nationwide.

Just in time for the trump admin to deal with it. RIP maga!

Damn straight! I mean c'mon! WHEN HAS A VIRUS EVER MUTATED AND JUMPED SPECIES LEADING TO COUNTLESS PEOPLE DYING? I mean, other than most of them in the last 100 or so years.

But really! I mean...give me a break. SO FUCKIN' WHAT if a few people die of something that we could have prevented? Trumpmerica was A-OK with all the millions of dead Americans from COVID! And we certainly don't even bat an eye or give a flying fuck when little kids are gunned down in elementary schools. And we are even LESS interested that some gay kids or trans kids off themselves either! It's all good with us!


As Americans the ONLY HUMAN LIFE THAT MATTERS, THAT EVER WILL MATTER IS OUR OWN. Everyone else can fuck right off.

"I got mine, sucka".
Damn straight! I mean c'mon! WHEN HAS A VIRUS EVER MUTATED AND JUMPED SPECIES LEADING TO COUNTLESS PEOPLE DYING? I mean, other than most of them in the last 100 or so years.

But really! I mean...give me a break. SO FUCKIN' WHAT if a few people die of something that we could have prevented? Trumpmerica was A-OK with all the millions of dead Americans from COVID! And we certainly don't even bat an eye or give a flying fuck when little kids are gunned down in elementary schools. And we are even LESS interested that some gay kids or trans kids off themselves either! It's all good with us!


As Americans the ONLY HUMAN LIFE THAT MATTERS, THAT EVER WILL MATTER IS OUR OWN. Everyone else can fuck right off.

"I got mine, sucka".

NO! I agree with you! More Americans should die from things we could have prevented.

I'm starting to become a MAGA person!

I bought a small hammer today and I'm starting to slam it into my head in hopes of mushing up my prefrontal cortex. Soon I'll be votin' MAGA all the way!