Posting from Jesus phone!!!

LOL. When did Jesus give you his phone? He needs it to get my calls. Unlike some people I don't get to hear from him in the shower.
How fast your WiFi connection to the internet is would depend upon the speed of the internet connected to the WiFi router your currently communicating with, not the speed of the WiFi router itself.

Call me pedantic, but I've had to argue quite a few people about this before who believed that the were actually connecting to the internet at 54 MBPS because they were wirelessly connecting to the router - this is idiocy, and infuriating, and yet another reason I hate Mississippi...
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How fast your Wireless connection is would depend upon the speed of the internet connected to the router your currently communicating with.

Call me pedantic, but I've had to argue quite a few people about this before who believed that the were actually connecting to the internet at 54 MBPS because they were wirelessly connecting to the router - this is idiocy, and infuriating, and yet another reason I hate Mississippi...
It is also limited to your hardware, such as Jesus' phone, you know his iPhone? AT&T has huge nodes that they connect to, the connection speed is quick, even when shared as those things simply don't have the hardware to use huge bandwidth.
i got my hands on one for about an hour..... hated it, manly because of the keyboard.

looks good, but the functionality, well its poop
i use a treo, there could be alot of improvements but so far it my fav as far as smart phones go. gosh i think i have been a treo user now for about 3 years so i am sure thats the biggest perk for me, i dont need to relearn how to use it when a new version comes out, they are all vary simmiler
NJ Teen Unlocks IPhone From AT&T Network

Aug 24, 12:29 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - A 17-year-old hacker has broken the lock that ties Apple's iPhone to AT&T's wireless network, freeing the most hyped cell phone ever for use on the networks of other carriers, including overseas ones.

George Hotz of Glen Rock, N.J., confirmed Friday that he had unlocked an iPhone and was using it on T-Mobile's network, the only major U.S. carrier apart from AT&T that is compatible with the iPhone's cellular technology. In a video posted to his blog, he holds an iPhone that displays "T-Mobile" as the carrier.

While the possibility of switching from AT&T to T-Mobile may not be a major development for U.S. consumers, it opens up the iPhone for use on the networks of overseas carriers.

"That's the big thing," said Hotz, in a phone interview from his home.

The phone, which combines an innovative touch-screen interface with the media-playing abilities of the iPod, is sold only in the U.S.

Calls to AT&T and Apple for comment were not immediately returned. The companies had not been in touch with Hotz, he said.

The hack, which Hotz posted Thursday to his blog, is complicated and requires skill with both soldering and software. It takes him about two hours to perform. Since the details are public, it seems likely that a small industry may spring up to buy U.S. iPhones, unlock them and send them overseas.