Posting this EVERYWHERE


Uwaa OmO
[ame=""]YouTube - FOPA Hughes Amendment VOTE APRIL 10 1986[/ame]
give me the tl;dw
The tl;dw is that basically, the prohibition on buying machine guns registered after 5/19/86 never was never passed legally. This video proves it. I'm putting copies of it all over the web and several burned copies in various hiding places.

My reaction is pretty typical of tinfoil hat types who think the government would take down this damning evidence to pretty much outright tyranny (which it is). But best be prepared in any case.
The tl;dw is that basically, the prohibition on buying machine guns registered after 5/19/86 never was never passed legally. This video proves it. I'm putting copies of it all over the web and several burned copies in various hiding places.

My reaction is pretty typical of tinfoil hat types who think the government would take down this damning evidence to pretty much outright tyranny (which it is). But best be prepared in any case.

the problem with this issue is that the courts will not even consider it, calling it a congressional issue at best. They will not intervene and I don't see the repubs taking this up at all.
the problem with this issue is that the courts will not even consider it, calling it a congressional issue at best. They will not intervene and I don't see the repubs taking this up at all.
It's damning evidence none the less. Is it the sole piece we as gun owners need? Not even slightly. But it will help. I have absolutely no doubt in this.
25 years later and no 2nd amendment lawyer or NRA lawyer has brought suit....this doesn't pass my smell test
The NRA wouldn't. They're not big on machine guns.

And they're the only 2A group with the resources to bring it to light at the moment.
The NRA wouldn't. They're not big on machine guns.

And they're the only 2A group with the resources to bring it to light at the moment.

they are into 2A rights though....and i would think they would defend anyone's second amendment right, unless, gaging from you're saying, the NRA does not support the right to own machine guns. if that is so, then automatic weapon rights will never see the light of day.

i can't hear the video, so i am unable to ascertain the veracity of it

that said, i remember when uzi's were all the rage in the 80's, causing deaths nationwide....i for one do not mourn the loss of automatic weapons available to the general public.
they are into 2A rights though....and i would think they would defend anyone's second amendment right, unless, gaging from you're saying, the NRA does not support the right to own machine guns. if that is so, then automatic weapon rights will never see the light of day.

i can't hear the video, so i am unable to ascertain the veracity of it

that said, i remember when uzi's were all the rage in the 80's, causing deaths nationwide....i for one do not mourn the loss of automatic weapons available to the general public.
You remember incorrectly. Uzis and all their like were only used in.... I think 0.01% of crime in the 80s, and LEGAL machine guns have been used exactly twice (2 times) from 1934 until present to commit crimes. Both times by police officers.

That said, no the NRA does not support machine gun rights. They're selective about how they protect 2A rights in general. That's a chief reason there are many, such as STY, that hate the NRA. I don't share that view entirely, but the NRA has limitations as an organization. That's why I also support the GOA and JPFO.
You remember incorrectly. Uzis and all their like were only used in.... I think 0.01% of crime in the 80s, and LEGAL machine guns have been used exactly twice (2 times) from 1934 until present to commit crimes. Both times by police officers.

That said, no the NRA does not support machine gun rights. They're selective about how they protect 2A rights in general. That's a chief reason there are many, such as STY, that hate the NRA. I don't share that view entirely, but the NRA has limitations as an organization. That's why I also support the GOA and JPFO.

i guess it was all the hype i remember, my bad