Potential Juror Held in Contempt?


JPP Modarater

"BARNSTABLE, Mass. - A Cape Cod man who claimed he was homophobic, racist and a habitual liar to avoid jury duty earned an angry rebuke from a judge on Monday, who referred the case to prosecutors for possible charges."


"COLUMBUS, Ohio - A man made a mockery of the justice system when he tried to get removed from a jury pool in a death penalty case by claiming he is a heroin addict and a killer, a judge said."


I don't think that's really fair. What if they were racists and heroin addicts? And even if they weren't, is charging them really necessary?
My DUI has gotten me out of a lot of these jury duty pickles. Best thing I ever did.
I'd just tell them I thought he was a barbarian and a murderer, and no better at all than the man he was condemning, for even believing in the death penalty. I'd also tell him about my penchant for moral ambiguity and my devout, non-confrontational atheism.

But they'd probably put me on it anyway.

Beefy, wanna get drunk and go driving sometime?
I'd just tell them I thought he was a barbarian and a murderer, and no better at all than the man he was condemning, for even believing in the death penalty. I'd also tell him about my penchant for moral ambiguity and my devout, non-confrontational atheism.

But they'd probably put me on it anyway.

Beefy, wanna get drunk and go driving sometime?

Dude, that last sentence made me fall out of my chair. That was funny.

"BARNSTABLE, Mass. - A Cape Cod man who claimed he was homophobic, racist and a habitual liar to avoid jury duty earned an angry rebuke from a judge on Monday, who referred the case to prosecutors for possible charges."


"COLUMBUS, Ohio - A man made a mockery of the justice system when he tried to get removed from a jury pool in a death penalty case by claiming he is a heroin addict and a killer, a judge said."


I don't think that's really fair. What if they were racists and heroin addicts? And even if they weren't, is charging them really necessary?

Both should be fined. Given that both stated they were trying to avoid jury duty. Otherwise we just end up with the idiots who WANT to be on jury duty. As much as it sucks, it is a responsibility we all have to share.
Both should be fined. Given that both stated they were trying to avoid jury duty. Otherwise we just end up with the idiots who WANT to be on jury duty. As much as it sucks, it is a responsibility we all have to share.

The key is to never relent in your lie.
I got off the jury list in Tampa FL by another means.
They are supposed to randomly select from drivers liscence rolls.
After 3 years of being called within one week of the same time each year and recognizing many of the same other potential jurors, I asked the lady at the front how this could happen if they used a random selection process. I was never called again.
Both should be fined. Given that both stated they were trying to avoid jury duty. Otherwise we just end up with the idiots who WANT to be on jury duty. As much as it sucks, it is a responsibility we all have to share.

It pretty much standard practice to not admit people in a death sentence trial who don't believe in the death penalty. What the kid did was really just poking fun at the whole process. I think the judge should've just gotten a sense of humour, but it was within his means to put him in contempt and that's what he did.

The other guy, however, is looking at years in jail.
What about freedom of speech?! they weren't under oath were they?

I've only been called once, but I was out of the country so I couldn't come. I haven't been called since. although it would be kind of fun to get a day off of work to do something else.
When they put you in the prospective jurors box, I do believe that you are under oath.

It has been many years since I was called to jury duty (the only time I have been called)... so my memory may be off on this. But I think your article mentioned he committed perjury.
It pretty much standard practice to not admit people in a death sentence trial who don't believe in the death penalty. What the kid did was really just poking fun at the whole process. I think the judge should've just gotten a sense of humour, but it was within his means to put him in contempt and that's what he did.

The other guy, however, is looking at years in jail.

I agree that the first guy was probably being a smart ass, but that was the judges point in that case... the kid needed to be taught not to mock the court or the system. Personally, while I may have done the same thing at his age, I do beleive the judge would be justified in fining him.
"I've only been called once, but I was out of the country so I couldn't come. I haven't been called since. although it would be kind of fun to get a day off of work to do something else."

1) Gotta disagree... I almost decked both lawyers when they questioned me. I cannot imaging having to sit through a trial listening to two idiots (I mean lawyers) like that... unless it was a really interesting case... then it might be cool.

2) We are both stupid... now that we have discussed how long it has been since we were called.... that notice is in the mail.
A very good point. If ya already lied... no point in going back... just keep on pushing forward. Make them prove you lied.

It has worked well bor Bush so far...Well it did for a while anyway ;)
And is still working on about 25% of the people in our country.
"I've only been called once, but I was out of the country so I couldn't come. I haven't been called since. although it would be kind of fun to get a day off of work to do something else."

1) Gotta disagree... I almost decked both lawyers when they questioned me. I cannot imaging having to sit through a trial listening to two idiots (I mean lawyers) like that... unless it was a really interesting case... then it might be cool.

2) We are both stupid... now that we have discussed how long it has been since we were called.... that notice is in the mail.

I have been permqanently Excused from serving on any Jury because of two things. First I Told ther Judge I was more likely to berleive either of the principles than anyAttorney I have ever know, I then published a similqr statement in the paper. asking whther anyone would want me in their jury

shortly thereafter, I got a letter from the court saying I was permanently excused. That was fifteen years ago.