power of the passed pawn in chess.


100% recycled karma

clik<< to reset and start game.
clik > to make each move, or < to go back a move.

The material (pieces) is even, until the final move, which also checkmates black. I'm playing a patzer ( 1200), im (1527 - considered advanced (barely).
Normally I wouldn't post a patzer loss, but the d file pawn is there from the beginning By careful trades, and advancing that "past pawn" I got an quick, accurate win.
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Oh I've always considered a passed pawn, against an able opponent, as disastrous. If you can't stop the advance then it's time to resign the game.
Oh I've always considered a passed pawn, against an able opponent, as disastrous. If you can't stop the advance then it's time to resign the game.

yes. it was an isolated pawn. not protected by other pawns, after early queen trades, but all rooks were on the board, if you saw the position my knight protected the passed pawn when it queened, and also kept black's king from coming into play. and helped mate the king.

It was unusual in that an early past pawn that is isolated mostly gets wiped off, but the queen trade really helped diminish the power on the board, making the pawn more potent.