Praising Someone Who Has Committed a Crime is Apparently Illegal in Italy

She wasn't even praising him for the murder. If this had been true in America, imagine all the people that would be in jail because of Thoreua
What a great news article. I hate everyone in it. I hate the socialist airhead who publicly praised a murdering Commie thug, and I hate the fascist Italian government which passed this law.

She's from France, and it at least doesn't have such a law, but it infringes on the people's liberties in many other ways. I think, though, that Italy and Greece are about as authoritarian as it gets in Europe.

The Netherlands and Denmark are two of the freest places on the planet.
I notice the "Europe is a paradise!" crew isn't jumping on this one.
what europe is a pardise crew ? Where are they at ? europe might have better health care or something but everything is not better nor nowhere near a paradise.