Prediction: Bush saves legacy by mastering expectations game, once again


New member
The only debates that Bush ever "won", in either election, were perceived that way because his camp had proudly set the bar for him so low that, if he didn't come out drooling & slapping the back of his head, he'd exceed expectations.

It has occurred to me that similar expectations are now in place for Iraq, though not by the admin's doing. Everyone - even conservatives (the non-koolaid immersed ones), pretty much agrees that Iraq has been an unmitigated disaster. The "goal" now - in the most extreme game of moving goalposts we have ever seen - is basically, to return Iraq to a level of stability that they had prior to invasion. That's the best possible outcome.

If that happens, does the Bush crowd scream vindication? Will Bush's legacy be saved, even though we will have spent a fortune in blood, treasure & credibility to merely restore Iraq to a place that they were before we trashed the place?

Based on what I've seen, this not only wouldn't surprise me, but I think it's time to start mentally preparing for it. It's a given.
I never gave it any thought, but yes, and I can even see the fools yelling on message boards "and libs said it couldn't be done!"
They will be a democracy if we leave (DISCLAIMER: NO, I don't think that makes it worth it), so I'm not sure where your getting that conclusion from.
The only debates that Bush ever "won", in either election, were perceived that way because his camp had proudly set the bar for him so low that, if he didn't come out drooling & slapping the back of his head, he'd exceed expectations.

It has occurred to me that similar expectations are now in place for Iraq, though not by the admin's doing. Everyone - even conservatives (the non-koolaid immersed ones), pretty much agrees that Iraq has been an unmitigated disaster. The "goal" now - in the most extreme game of moving goalposts we have ever seen - is basically, to return Iraq to a level of stability that they had prior to invasion. That's the best possible outcome.

If that happens, does the Bush crowd scream vindication? Will Bush's legacy be saved, even though we will have spent a fortune in blood, treasure & credibility to merely restore Iraq to a place that they were before we trashed the place?

Based on what I've seen, this not only wouldn't surprise me, but I think it's time to start mentally preparing for it. It's a given.

They've been lowering expectation for at least three years, to cover for their disaster - this is nothing new:

"But, at least isn't the world better WITHOUT saddam???"