The Republicans are great fear-mongers, and not to be outdone I think it is time for some fear mongering that is based on experience to be allowed as well. So here is my prediction for the fall elections and after, if the Democrats fail to take back the House and Senate (and it is questionable that they will) expect Bush to attack Iran, (we already have gunships in the strait of Homuz and are getting ready to impose a blockade on Iran, which is an act of war). But, knowing that the Democrats will go along to get along and that they don't want to be seen as weak on terror blah, blah, blah, am expecting even if Democrats win that this blockade may provoke or create or somehow precipitate a Gulf of Tonklin type incident, that will lead to a war with Iran and the hyper-inflation of oil prices world wide and certainly $4 to $6 dollar a gallon gas here. So if you have storage tanks fill them up, you ain't seen nothing yet.
So if you think Bush and Rove have an "October Surprise" ready to spring, wait until you see what they have cooked up for Christmas and New Years!!!!
Watch what happens. You heard it first here!
So if you think Bush and Rove have an "October Surprise" ready to spring, wait until you see what they have cooked up for Christmas and New Years!!!!
Watch what happens. You heard it first here!