Prediction--More War and Higher Gas Prices!


Senior Member
The Republicans are great fear-mongers, and not to be outdone I think it is time for some fear mongering that is based on experience to be allowed as well. So here is my prediction for the fall elections and after, if the Democrats fail to take back the House and Senate (and it is questionable that they will) expect Bush to attack Iran, (we already have gunships in the strait of Homuz and are getting ready to impose a blockade on Iran, which is an act of war). But, knowing that the Democrats will go along to get along and that they don't want to be seen as weak on terror blah, blah, blah, am expecting even if Democrats win that this blockade may provoke or create or somehow precipitate a Gulf of Tonklin type incident, that will lead to a war with Iran and the hyper-inflation of oil prices world wide and certainly $4 to $6 dollar a gallon gas here. So if you have storage tanks fill them up, you ain't seen nothing yet.

So if you think Bush and Rove have an "October Surprise" ready to spring, wait until you see what they have cooked up for Christmas and New Years!!!!

Watch what happens. You heard it first here!
The Republicans are great fear-mongers, and not to be outdone I think it is time for some fear mongering that is based on experience to be allowed as well. So here is my prediction for the fall elections and after, if the Democrats fail to take back the House and Senate (and it is questionable that they will) expect Bush to attack Iran, (we already have gunships in the strait of Homuz and are getting ready to impose a blockade on Iran, which is an act of war). But, knowing that the Democrats will go along to get along and that they don't want to be seen as weak on terror blah, blah, blah, am expecting even if Democrats win that this blockade may provoke or create or somehow precipitate a Gulf of Tonklin type incident, that will lead to a war with Iran and the hyper-inflation of oil prices world wide and certainly $4 to $6 dollar a gallon gas here. So if you have storage tanks fill them up, you ain't seen nothing yet.

So if you think Bush and Rove have an "October Surprise" ready to spring, wait until you see what they have cooked up for Christmas and New Years!!!!

Watch what happens. You heard it first here!

I saw this report on the news a while back about gas stations that you stock up gallons of gas at. In other words, you buy future gas at today's price. So some people, are still paying 99 cents a gallon there.

Anyway, I think all you say here is not just possible but probable, and it might be a really good idea to look around for one of these places now, and stock up. Of course, the other side of that is, you have to be able to afford it.
I saw this report on the news a while back about gas stations that you stock up gallons of gas at. In other words, you buy future gas at today's price. So some people, are still paying 99 cents a gallon there.

Anyway, I think all you say here is not just possible but probable, and it might be a really good idea to look around for one of these places now, and stock up. Of course, the other side of that is, you have to be able to afford it.

I think this phenomenon is popularly called "the lull before the storm," in more educated circles its commonly referred to as "sticking it to those ignorant fools, who are just dying to believe the worst is past, one more time... .
And gas is now at $2.25 and you look like an even bigger fool.
Educated circles, were your serving food at a pary?
And gas is now at $2.25 and you look like an even bigger fool.
Educated circles, were your serving food at a pary?

I just got gas last night. I paid $2.91.9 And that was at a cheap place, it's still over three in many places here. So keep celebrating, you must live in a red state.
Gas is about 2.15 or so here.

This links into my thread about gas prices and the election.
We will wait to see what happens after the elections.