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Okay, come next year the presidental race will look like this...




IT appears to me the White House is supporting McCain from behind the sceens.

Anyone think differently?
McCain is out touting his plan to increase troop levels in Iraq...

The White House is delaying its anouncement that the new Iraq plan will be to increase troop levels in Iraq, in contradiction with the Iraq Study Group's recomendations. That James Baker must be a terrorist lover!
Okay, come next year the presidental race will look like this...




IT appears to me the White House is supporting McCain from behind the sceens.

Anyone think differently?

Way too early to tell.

The democrats have a modern history of nominating dark horse candidates. Two years out from the elections of 1992, 1988, and 1976, virtually no one had ever heard of Clinton, Dukkakis, or Carter.
True, thats why I called it a prediction and not a statement of fact.

We will see, but I think the days of the Dark Horse are over. I knew of B. Clinton well beofre 92'. I always considered him a front runner. I supported Jerry Brown, but always considered Clinton the likely eventual winner.
True, thats why I called it a prediction and not a statement of fact.

We will see, but I think the days of the Dark Horse are over. I knew of B. Clinton well beofre 92'. I always considered him a front runner. I supported Jerry Brown, but always considered Clinton the likely eventual winner.

from what I remember, many pundits considered liberal senator Paul Tsongas the front runner for the 92 nomination. Most people didn't think a governor from a little state like Arkansas had a chance.
from what I remember, many pundits considered liberal senator Paul Tsongas the front runner for the 92 nomination. Most people didn't think a governor from a little state like Arkansas had a chance.

I never gave Tsongas a change. Liberal Senator from MASS, with a funny name, just after the Dukakis disaster....
i'm voting for kuchinch.....then we'll have the first swimsuit calander with the first lady posing! she's awesome (but british, unfortunately).
as for mccain; we'll know for sure if he's picked to replace cheney whenhe resigns for 'health reasons'............if shrub is going to use mccains strategy (too little too late, but that's another story), then he may as well crown him successor by giving him the VP post.
what thehy need to do (and should have done after 6 months of this crap in iraq) is to send in 500K, secure the borders and disarm everyone to stop this crap. those people walk around atrmed to the teeth; did that happen under saddam? i don't think so.........
why can't we subdue a country with only 2 million people with 150k troops??? could it be cuz we don;t really want to yet?

now we have iraq muslims fighting each other AND palestinians fighting each other...coincidence?? nah; good for our side?? maybe............think about it.........
as for mccain; we'll know for sure if he's picked to replace cheney whenhe resigns for 'health reasons'............if shrub is going to use mccains strategy (too little too late, but that's another story), then he may as well crown him successor by giving him the VP post.

Interesting there hip, quite possibly true, time will tell.

I feel that in any case McCain is slated to be in the Repub primary. Of course it is early yet.
the question would be if it is good or bad for mccain to accept an appointment to VP; would it be better for him to go into the election as a sitting VP, or would it be more likely to turn out like it did for bore???? mabe he'd bve better off distancing himself from shrub.........but how would it llok for him to turn down the VP job and then run for president?????
of course, if shrub and rove don't want him to win, then they offer him the job making him damned if he takes it and damned if he doesn't!
One of McCain's strengths is that he is preceved to be independent of this administration.
One of McCain's strengths is that he is preceved to be independent of this administration.

Exactly. And if he's taken "into the fold", as it were, it would be political suicide (remember Jack Kemp?), given first that perception and second the standing of the current administration with the voting public.
Okay, come next year the presidental race will look like this...




IT appears to me the White House is supporting McCain from behind the sceens.

Anyone think differently?

More like McCain/Libermann vs who really knows on the DNC side