Pregnant mother hit with stun gun


A woman who is eight-months pregnant with her sixteenth child is claiming police brutality after she says Tampa officers used a stun gun on her.

Tampa police arrested Angel Adams, 39, this week and charged her with battery on a law enforcement officer after a scuffle when police came to her home to talk to one of her sons. She says the stun gun endangered her life -- and the life of her unborn child.

Adams, 39, first made headlines two years ago when she was evicted from her apartment, then moved into a small motel room with 12 of her 15 children. Her story angered many when she angrily demanded, "Somebody needs to pay for all of this."

After legal struggles and with the help of the Department of Children and Families, Adams was able to move into a home large enough for her entire family.

On Tuesday, police wanted to speak to one of her sons about throwing rocks at another home in the neighborhood. He said he didn't do it and ran from the police.

Angel Adams says two officers – a man and a woman – forced their way into her home.

"I told officers, 'Don't come in my house. You don't have a search warrant," she said.

After forcing their way in, Adams said she was pushed by one of the officers. She said there was a struggle and her 21-year-old daughter, also named Angel Adams, fought with police.

The elder Adams said she ran to her room, followed by the female officer, who grabbed her and threw her onto her bed.

Then, the male officer used a stun gun on her, Adams said. Adams has marks on her back similar to those left by the projectiles used by stun guns.
"I felt something … shooting through me," Adams said.

Tampa police have a different account of what happened.

The female officer "was at the door, went in to talk to the kid, and at that point, he physically punched the officer, so at that point now we have a struggle," Tampa police spokeswoman Andrea Davis said. "While [the male officer] was struggling with that kid, the pregnant suspect and her daughter were fighting with [the female] officer."

Davis said Adams and her daughter took the female officer out of the house, leaving the male officer alone in the home with four people and at risk.

"Her (Adams) actions, that's what determined these results," Davis said, "and it's incredibly concerning that someone would put themselves and their unborn child at risk."

Adams and her daughter were arrested and charged with battery on a law enforcement officer. Adams was released on $2,500 bail, and her daughter on $1,000 bail.


Fucking Pro Life Democrats don't know when to stop having kids.