President Ass Snot Commits Felony Voter Fraud

Should we help Groaning Earl out?

From your link:

"On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported that when Trump registered to vote in Florida, he claimed the White House as his legal residence. On the same day he filled out his voter registration, however, Trump formally declared himself a “bona fide resident” of Palm Beach, the location of his Mar-a-Lago club. The president therefore tried to register to vote under an out-of-state address that is not, in fact, his legal residence."

But wait! There's more! He can't claim Mar-A-Lago as his residence because:

"A story in the Washington Post by Manuel Roig-Franzia maintains that the President’s claim of Mar-a-Lago as his permanent residence violates agreements that he made when he converted Mar-a-Lago from a private residence to a club."

So yes, Groaning Pearl, your glorious Corrupt One is guilty of voter fraud! :laugh:
"President Ass Snot" is not something I need scrolling by when the boss stops by. Next time put it in the Political-NSFW area.
"President Ass Snot" is not something I need scrolling by when the boss stops by. Next time put it in the Political-NSFW area.
Well, our little katzgar IS a bit dim. I suspect this dimness is a result of being SO strongly afflicted with TDS. This appears to have turned his once thinking brain into an unthinking, quivering mass of gelatin. VERY sad, but QUITE preventable.