President Hillary Clinton's Webcast About Healthcare!

President??? Yeah, that's real likely. After President Ron Paul gets rid of the funny money, puts the elderly on icebergs and disbands the union, there will be no more Presidents.
Ron Paul should have a video game like World of Warcraft so his zombies can run around in a fantasy world where they have no safety nets and have to rely on themselves entirely. You buy your very expensive healthcare with gold coins that you earn by working weeks at a time for very little because in World of Paul, there is no minimum wage or even child labor laws.

The best part is that the Paul zombies would be spending their time on there talking about how great the real world would be instead of spending their time on this forum talking about how great the world would be under Dictator Paul.
Yes, those who argue against the massive buildup of executive power are obviously dictatorial.

Non-dictators are those that wish to force you to buy insurance or visit the doctor and claim to speak for the nation as whole.
I should come up with a more fitting title, but one that still has negative connotations or is just plain nasty. "President" is too dignified for a man like Paul. Something like "Penis" or "SoccerChick84" or maybe just "Texan" would be enough.
It is beginning to look like we are going to have a woman president, we are like the Jones trying keep up with the Europeans. Let's hope sensible healthcare coverage for all Americans follows. Then excellent education and those neighbors will have nuttin on us.