President Mildred Ratchet


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So many Americans have a reason to impeach China Joe Biden it is fair to call it an angry conspiracy! New Jersey residents voiced their wrath:

Angry New Jersey Residents Shout at Joe Biden as He Views Flood Damage
by Charlie Spiering
7 Sep 2021

As volume to impeach grows louder this makes sense:

Harris resigns.

Biden picks a replacement the public will accept.

Biden resigns minutes after his new VP is sworn in.

Alas, Nurse Mildred Ratchet aka Hillary Clinton is the only replacement Democrats will accept:

Remember that it was that filthy piece of garbage, Barack Hussein Obama, who did this:

When Bergdahl was traded for five Taliban prisoners and brought home, Shannon Allen, Mark's wife didn't hold back her feelings for how he changed their family forever.

So many Americans have a reason to impeach China Joe Biden it is fair to call it an angry conspiracy! New Jersey residents voiced their wrath:

Biden did this:

"Americans are still trapped behind Taliban lines, the Biden Administration is still refusing to disclose how many of our people they left behind, and the State Department keeps talking about how they really hope the Taliban ‘will live up to their commitments,'" Sasse added. "Pathetic."

Published 17 hours ago
4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl now in senior Taliban posts
By Kyle Morris

Sad to say Democrats always abandon Americans. Obama-Biden-Clinton did it in:

The public never learned the name of the traitor that issued the final stand down order. No matter. Impeaching Biden while he is in office will be easy. Impeaching Obama and Hillary Clinton is constitutional although they are no longer in office.

Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., has suggested that Bill Clinton, though now out of office, could be impeached for his pardon of fugitive Marc Rich (although probably not for grabbing a couple of coffee tables). Can a former president be impeached?

Apparently, yes. Obviously a former president would not be subject to removal from office, but scholars say that Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, which says that impeachment may result in “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States,” could apply. In practical terms, an impeachment would mean Clinton could not serve in any other federal elective or appointive office. Clinton would not have automatic protection against such a proceeding because he was exercising his constitutionally given pardon power. Scholars say abuse of such power can be grounds for congressional action. It is less clear whether a conviction could mean the removal of his pension, government-funded office, and other perks.

Although impeaching a former president would be a first, there is some scant precedent for impeaching someone already removed from office. In 1797, Sen. William Blount of Tennessee was charged with treason for a scheme to help the British take land from Florida controlled by the Spanish. (Fortunately, Florida land speculation is no longer considered a treasonable offense.) Blount was unanimously impeached by the House, then expelled by the Senate (a process separate from impeachment). The Senate decided to go ahead with its impeachment trial although in the end it acquitted Blount because he was no longer in office. William Belknap, secretary of war under Ulysses Grant, was impeached by the House on bribery charges and resigned from office. Though the Senate went ahead with his trial, he, too, was acquitted because he was no longer in office.

Can Congress Impeach Bill Clinton Again?
Feb 12, 20016:57 PM

Republican senators would do well to remember that Hillary Clinton is intensely disliked by so many Americans they do not want to see her escape punishment simply because she is no longer in office.

Finally, it is unlikely that a Democrat will ever be impeached for treason. Nevertheless, I cannot help fantasizing about the death penalty should one —— or all three —— be impeached and convicted.

. . . I cannot help fantasizing about the death penalty should one —— or all three —— be impeached and convicted.

I suggest Fauci make it four of a kind:

If Fauci was aligned with the right instead of the left, the biggest question we'd likely be contemplating is which prison he would be heading to.

September 9, 2021
It's the Story of the Century, and the Media Yawn
By Fletch Daniels