President Obama and Delusions of Grandeur


New member
What annoys me the most is that Obama thought he walked on water. That he was the Messiah that could bring the Ds and the Rs back together. He could end all the partisan bickering and transform the country.

What a load of crap. The US is and will always be divided except for times of World Wars...(no Iraq and Afganistan do not count as world wars). Its like Israel and Palestine....a million politicians have tried to broker peace between those 2 countries and a million politicians have failed.

Obama thought he was the "Chosen One". The reason why the Democrats are going to lose today, is not because the Independents are abandoning him.... but is because the liberals are abandoning him. Thats why his party is not energized.

There needs to be somebody to primary Obama in 2012, so he doesnt get too comfortable. He is becoming the Celebrity President. Nobody cares if you party with Jay-Z and Beyonce. What people want are jobs NOT speeches.

And if you can't give them jobs than there needs to be a CHANGE.

All my American friends are liberals and NONE of them will vote for Obama in 2012.

You know George W Bush.... with a smaller Senate and House majority than President Obama passed the largest tax reduction bill in history, started TWO wars, created the largest new department in 50 years.

What has Obama done with a much bigger Democratic Congress? Pass a watered down health care bill? Stimulus?

Not much.
