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After over two years at dealing with tRump's stomach turning lies, threats and ramblings of a Twit-ter jerk, it is refreshing to hear President Obama as a reflection when America was great under his wonderful and honorable two terms as President of the USofA. The down low and hell bound evil doers may have robbed America out of a good POTUS in 2016 but the slaves of the devil certainly did not take away the spirit when America was great from 2008 to 2017. Therefore, his single speech just to hear his voice was worth every penny and obviously no dirty money.
In the two years since leaving the White House, former President Barack Obama has spent his time raising and solidifying his position in the uppermost echelons of the top one percent of Americans. Obama has raked in exorbitant amounts of money for public speaking events and made deals worth millions with multiple companies."
In the two years since leaving the White House, former President Barack Obama has spent his time raising and solidifying his position in the uppermost echelons of the top one percent of Americans. Obama has raked in exorbitant amounts of money for public speaking events and made deals worth millions with multiple companies."