President Ron Paul says Get troops out of Iraq, let states decide marijuana issue


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Get troops out of Iraq, let states decide marijuana issue, GOP candidate says
September 21, 2007



If elected president, Texas congressman Ron Paul said he would change drug laws to free non-violent offenders from prison.

“Mandated lifetime sentences are insane,” he said during an interview Friday with the Free Press editorial board. “I’d release them. I’d pardon them.”

The Republican presidential candidate, who used to be a Libertarian, also would work to extract the federal government from the medical marijuana debate by allowing state laws to stand unfettered.

By freeing up law enforcement from chasing down drug users and non-violent drug dealers, Paul said they could spend more time looking for rapists, murderers and child molesters.

“And look at how much money we spend on paying police to sit in toilet stalls,” he said, referring to the sting operation that snagged U.S. Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho in a Minneapolis Airport men’s room.
I think he'll enjoy Mackinac Island. My family used to visit there for a getaway.

I think this article is atrociously written, though.

after many threads from the libertarian side it appears as if the MJ issue is the main issue...Iraq comes in second to those of draft age...any conservative who jumps on this issue MJ seems to get all the libertarian votes...even if he/she was supporting the War!...Food for thought all you candidates who may wonder into this forum..or your
The drug war is invariably expensive and low on the justice meter. It puts an inordinate amount of minorities in prison for so little gain. (And that's being generous, it actually creates the black market that promotes the culture that breeds the gangs that brings the violence.)

Why did we not learn from prohibition? We didn't learn so well that we have continued this "war" far longer than it ever should have been continued...
Ending the Drug War is always my #1 issue when it comes to casting my vote.

that's because you don't have a job, and are still living off your parent. :pke: You can afford to make marginally relevant issues, your top issue.

(just teasing)
OkayI willnow concede and make a counter offer........

Since I had a grand career enforceing laws against all drugs...this is my offer...legalize MJ and only other chemically altered drugs...Just enforce the DUI(as they already do) against anyone who drives under the influence of MJ or alcohol or other illegal drugs...If they stay home and get blitzed as Beer and other users...should do... so be it! Is this fair?..if so we can work it out! Are y'all listening politicals?..being the strong enforcer that I was...I can meet someone half way....sometimes!:cof1: albeit I have no desire or need to smoke each their own...fair enough?
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that's because you don't have a job, and are still living off your parent. :pke: You can afford to make marginally relevant issues, your top issue.

(just teasing)

LoL when I have my career job my first voting priority will be reducing taxes.

But the Drug War is what affects my life the most. I've lost countless friends to jail and death because of it.
Since I had a grand career enforceing laws against all drugs...this is my offer...legalize MJ and only other chemically altered drugs...Just enforce the DUI(as they already do) against anyone who drives under the influence of MJ or alcohol or other illegal drugs...If they stay home and get blitzed as Beer and other users...should do... so be it! Is this fair?..if so we can work it out! Are y'all listening politicals?..being the strong enforcer that I was...I can meet someone half way....sometimes!:cof1: albeit I have no desire or need to smoke each their own...fair enough?

I would take that deal. One issue with pot though is that it can't be usefully tested for in DUI cases the way blood alcohol content can be with a Breathalyzer. There is no way to determine if someone who tests positive for marijuana got high five minutes ago or five days ago.