President Trump Blew It Big Time


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China Joe Biden caught Trump flatfooted. Basically, Trump was not prepared to respond to Biden calling him a liar.

Trump’s team has one excuse. Biden is such a well-known liar after 47 years in Washington Trump’s team failed to realize Biden would pull a Saul Alinsky in a televised debate —— accuse your opponent of everything you do.

On the plus side Biden & Company are already conspiring to find a way to get out of the remaining two debates.

Published 11 hours ago
Media call for upcoming debates to be 'canceled,' urge Biden to back out after first brawl with Trump
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn

As numb & dumb Biden is he must know that Trump will be better prepared in the second debate to respond to a man that lies about everything. Trump only has to ask Biden to name one thing he did not lie about in the past 47 years. The number of Biden’s lies far exceed his colorful gaffes. Happily, Trump has a cornucopia of Biden’s destructive lies to choose from:

1. The Affordable Care Act.

2. The Environmental Protection agency.

3. The true cost of alternative energy sources replacing petroleum.

4. Jobs in the coal industry.

5. Natural gas pipeline

6. Tax increases.

7. Trump’s income tax.

8. Mail-in voting.

9. Citizenship for illegal aliens.

10. Open borders.

11. The war in Afghanistan.

12. The war in the Balkans.

13. Impeaching President Trump.

14. Packing the Supreme Court.

15. Bring jobs back to this country.

16. China.

17. Russia.

18. The Iran Nuclear Deal.

19. Hunter Biden.

20. Defunding polices forces.

21. Advice & Consent —— Judge Robert Bork.

22. Advice & Consent —— Judge Clarence Thomas.

23. Non-existent Racism.

24. Molesting children.

A single lie told by a Republican is enough for the MSM to drive them out of government. Biden has been telling lies since he went to the Senate, yet his compendia of lies are not enough for media mouths to send him packing. In fact, Biden’s mountain of lies qualified him for another shot at the presidency.

Finally, the total number of lies told by President Obama and Vice President Biden in eight years is beyond comprehension.

p.s. This is why I laid the war in the Balkans on Biden:

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Biden said that he was the catalyst that changed conditions in the Balkans. True, or untrue, Biden said he was the guy who told Bill Clinton what to do in Bosnia. Biden later watered down his catalyst comment. At the time I assumed Clinton told Biden “Stop horning in on my glory.”

If true, he told Clinton to use NATO forces to bomb Christians.
America hasn't had a legitimate POTUS in compliance with U. S. Constitutional law in four years but a lawlessly hacked in Putin puppet and imposter tRump who has been on a destructive rampage against humanity ever sense he, his criminal family and Putin owned insurgency were dumped on humanity. Hopefully the tired of winning moment has arrived, especially after tRump made a complete ass out of himself at the debate with presidential hopeful Joe Biden.
Joe Biden caught Trump flatfooted. Basically, Trump was not prepared to respond to Biden calling him a liar.

Maybe Trump doesn't know he's a liar? It's possible he thinks that all his thousands of lies are true because HE said them. Has he ever expressed regret for a falsehood or even an honest mistake in his entire life?

That WOULD be scary, wouldn't it - the most powerful man in the world so out of touch with reality that he can't tell the difference between true and false.

I think we would be marginally safer with the POTUS as a conscienceless liar. Still, I hope his minders keep a close watch on him until he's safely out of the White House.
China Joe Biden caught Trump flatfooted. Basically, Trump was not prepared to respond to Biden calling him a liar.

Trump’s team has one excuse. Biden is such a well-known liar after 47 years in Washington Trump’s team failed to realize Biden would pull a Saul Alinsky in a televised debate —— accuse your opponent of everything you do.

On the plus side Biden & Company are already conspiring to find a way to get out of the remaining two debates.

Published 11 hours ago
Media call for upcoming debates to be 'canceled,' urge Biden to back out after first brawl with Trump
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn

As numb & dumb Biden is he must know that Trump will be better prepared in the second debate to respond to a man that lies about everything. Trump only has to ask Biden to name one thing he did not lie about in the past 47 years. The number of Biden’s lies far exceed his colorful gaffes. Happily, Trump has a cornucopia of Biden’s destructive lies to choose from:

1. The Affordable Care Act.

2. The Environmental Protection agency.

3. The true cost of alternative energy sources replacing petroleum.

4. Jobs in the coal industry.

5. Natural gas pipeline

6. Tax increases.

7. Trump’s income tax.

8. Mail-in voting.

9. Citizenship for illegal aliens.

10. Open borders.

11. The war in Afghanistan.

12. The war in the Balkans.

13. Impeaching President Trump.

14. Packing the Supreme Court.

15. Bring jobs back to this country.

16. China.

17. Russia.

18. The Iran Nuclear Deal.

19. Hunter Biden.

20. Defunding polices forces.

21. Advice & Consent —— Judge Robert Bork.

22. Advice & Consent —— Judge Clarence Thomas.

23. Non-existent Racism.

24. Molesting children.

A single lie told by a Republican is enough for the MSM to drive them out of government. Biden has been telling lies since he went to the Senate, yet his compendia of lies are not enough for media mouths to send him packing. In fact, Biden’s mountain of lies qualified him for another shot at the presidency.

Finally, the total number of lies told by President Obama and Vice President Biden in eight years is beyond comprehension.

p.s. This is why I laid the war in the Balkans on Biden:

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Biden said that he was the catalyst that changed conditions in the Balkans. True, or untrue, Biden said he was the guy who told Bill Clinton what to do in Bosnia. Biden later watered down his catalyst comment. At the time I assumed Clinton told Biden “Stop horning in on my glory.”

If true, he told Clinton to use NATO forces to bomb Christians.

excellent cut and paste fake news.
Can’t say it enough, always humorous, a Trumpkin labeling another as a liar is like a Bernie Madoff defender calling someone else a thief
Maybe Trump doesn't know he's a liar? It's possible he thinks that all his thousands of lies are true because HE said them. Has he ever expressed regret for a falsehood or even an honest mistake in his entire life?

To Tranquillus in Exile: Believe or do not believe whatever Trump says about his personal life and businesses. Here is what is important to American voters:

1. Biden lies about his personal life and business dealings.

2. Trump has only been in the government for 4 years.

3. Trump never lied about his policies, even the ones I disagree with.

4. Biden has been in government for 47 years.

5. Biden has been lying about everything for 47 years.

6. Candidate Biden is running on one lie after another.

7. The Party of Liars lied about their policies and political agenda since the FDR years.

8. Biden is a bigger liar than the lying sack of shit because Biden has been lying a lot longer.

President Barack Obama delivered a speech in Florida on behalf of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign on Saturday, in the course of which he stated at least nineteen false claims about President Donald Trump and his record.

From the transcript:

Fact check: 19 false claims in Obama's speech for Biden in Florida
Joel B. Pollak
24 Oct 2020

NOTE: The lying sack of shit was very careful not to lie about President Trump defending this country’s Constitution and sovereignty against all enemies foreign and domestic. Obviously, Obama dared not open a topic that nailed him for working for all foreign and domestic enemies for eight years, nor did he want to remind Americans that his secretaries of state, John Kerry & Hillary Clinton are guilty of treason.

I think we would be marginally safer with the POTUS as a conscienceless liar. Still, I hope his minders keep a close watch on him until he's safely out of the White House.

To Tranquillus in Exile: If you and your kind do not watch “conscienceless liar” China Joe Biden should he steal the election with mail-in votes neither the Constitution, nor its guarantied freedoms will exist in 2024.

Bottom line: This country and the world will belong to Biden’s business partners in Communist China.
5. Biden has been lying about everything for 47 years.

6. Candidate Biden is running on one lie after another.

Trump has an Olympian October Surprise available —— if he and his advisers have the knowhow to use and defend it before November 3.

Hit Biden with the lie he told to get to the Senate in 1972.

Stopping Communism’s expansion in Vietnam was the truth as was the Korean War.

THE VIETNAM WAR IS AN UNJUST WAR is the lie Biden still tells.

Anti-war demonstrators were created for the Vietnam War when U.N.-loving American Communists came out in droves to oppose a preemptive war of self-defense. Every ‘AMERICAN’ traitor falsely claimed the moral high ground based solely on the United Nations opposing the Vietnam War.


Democrats are struggling to find a winning campaign issue for China Joe Biden. Invoking the Vietnam War conspiracy is a:

Vietnam War conspirators said they opposed an unjust war because they dared not say killing American soldiers in Vietnam was done for Communism.

The same people who defended Communism in SE Asia are fifty years older ——— Jane Fonda, China Joe Biden, John Kerry et al.