APP - President Trump has outflanked the left again with just ONE Tweet

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Since the Helsinki press conference, our friends on the left have been screaming at the top of their lungs and stomping their feet that President Trump will not acknowledge that Russia tried to "meddle" in our elections. Additionally, they have been demanding that President Trump chastise Putin against interfering in the 2018 MidTerms

So yesterday, President Trump did exactly what our friends on the left wanted. He sent out a Tweet claiming he was concerned about Russians trying to interfere in the mid terms to help democrats

Well predictably, our friends on the left lost their collective minds. But, I saw a democrat party US Senator on PMSNBC this morning and he grudgingly acknowledged that the Russians tried to meddle in both campaigns to sow discord. That is a huge admission and not one the left wanted to make.

President Trump did that with one single Tweet

Please keep Tweeting Mr. President
