APP - President Trump has outplayed the left again

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So the left thinks they finally have President Trump boxed into a corner over his tweet about the Trump Tower meeting (for the thousandth time). This time is really it. Trump has admitted that the meeting was to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The left is also gracing us with the crime that President Trump's son supposedly committed. They are saying that it is ILLEGAL and against campaign finance laws to receive material information from a Foreign National.

Here is why the left is being set up by President Trump. He is going to let them make their argument and then BOOM. He is going to smack them in the mouth with the Steele Dossier.

You see my friends if what Donald Trump Jr did in that Trump Tower meeting was illegal then most assuredly what the DNC and Hillary Campaigns did in commissioning the Steele Dossier was illegal. It is impossible for one to be illegal and the other to be legal.

Christopher Steele was a foreign national. He was paid by the Clinton Campaign and DNC to obtain dirt on President Trump from Russians.

Oh, I know that the left will cry that one is opposition research that "everyone does". But, they will have to explain why it is OK for Hillary Clinton and the DNC to work with a foreign national and not OK for President Trump.

Game. Set. Match
So the left thinks they finally have President Trump boxed into a corner over his tweet about the Trump Tower meeting (for the thousandth time). This time is really it. Trump has admitted that the meeting was to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The left is also gracing us with the crime that President Trump's son supposedly committed. They are saying that it is ILLEGAL and against campaign finance laws to receive material information from a Foreign National.

Here is why the left is being set up by President Trump. He is going to let them make their argument and then BOOM. He is going to smack them in the mouth with the Steele Dossier.

You see my friends if what Donald Trump Jr did in that Trump Tower meeting was illegal then most assuredly what the DNC and Hillary Campaigns did in commissioning the Steele Dossier was illegal. It is impossible for one to be illegal and the other to be legal.

Christopher Steele was a foreign national. He was paid by the Clinton Campaign and DNC to obtain dirt on President Trump from Russians.

Oh, I know that the left will cry that one is opposition research that "everyone does". But, they will have to explain why it is OK for Hillary Clinton and the DNC to work with a foreign national and not OK for President Trump.

Game. Set. Match

When is Flynn withdrawing his plea?
Remember when the Republican Memo was going to be the end for Mueller?
As you know, my point is that you keep coming up with some idea that changes everything... and it does not happen.

Please try to stay on topic and address the direct question asked in the OP. The OP was not about Michael Flynn

thank you
Please try to stay on topic and address the direct question asked in the OP. The OP was not about Michael Flynn

thank you

I have previously explained the legal difference between what the two campaigns did. I would be happy for HRC's campaign to be investigated and if they committed crimes be indicted. Just like it happening to Don.