APP - President Trump Installs Fossil Fuels Lobbyist as Secretary Of Interior 2 for 2 - EPA


Diversity Makes Greatness

Former fossil fuels lobbyist to head interior department as Zinke exits

David Bernhardt’s new job means top two US environmental agencies will be helmed by people once paid by industry

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer?
If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

"Ryan Zinke’s exit as interior secretary elevates a former lobbyist to the job, meaning the top two US environmental agencies will now be run by people previously paid by industry.

The deputy secretary, David Bernhardt, will take over at least temporarily when Zinke steps down at the end of the year. He also could be in the running to head the department permanently. And at the Environmental Protection Agency, the acting administrator, Andrew Wheeler, who was a coal lobbyist, will be nominated to keep the post."

It seems like everyone President Trump appoints to run a department is installed in order to cause dysfunction and render it ineffective at performing the task it was designed to do. Worse, even do the opposite of the intended function. So the Environmental Protection Agency becomes the Fossil Fuel Profits Protection Agency.

And now we have a Secretary of the Interior who seems intent not on protecting the interior, but on handing the interior over to resource extraction profiteers.
And now we have a Secretary of the Interior who seems intent not on protecting the interior, but on handing the interior over to resource extraction profiteers.

Sure! You have a president who doesn't just want to dismantle any and all social platforms but wants to make over abundantly clear that he's doing it to stick it down the throats of a responsible society that worked years to attain socially responsibility.

Which is fine with me as a Canadian because I can sit back and watch Trump create more reasons why the FBI/Mueller need to drive the stake through his evil heart, while Americans are directly on the receiving end of the craziness.

It's not just Canadians who are watching, the entire world are watching America become what the rabid and frothing at the mouth right have wanted it to become since Obama attempted social reform for the good. Enjoy!
Blatant corruption.

The swamp stinketh over.

Can you see the similarity with a 3 year old child allowing his friend in his sandbox but not sharing his toys. Trump needs attention but he gets it by flaming others and deliberately harming any progress others have made because he can't take credit.
Hello montgomery,

Sure! You have a president who doesn't just want to dismantle any and all social platforms but wants to make over abundantly clear that he's doing it to stick it down the throats of a responsible society that worked years to attain socially responsibility.

Which is fine with me as a Canadian because I can sit back and watch Trump create more reasons why the FBI/Mueller need to drive the stake through his evil heart, while Americans are directly on the receiving end of the craziness.

It's not just Canadians who are watching, the entire world are watching America become what the rabid and frothing at the mouth right have wanted it to become since Obama attempted social reform for the good. Enjoy!

Perhaps more Canadians should be minding the environmental destruction taking place in the Canadian Tar Sands, something which affects the whole planet. That oil needs to stay in the ground just as much as oil in the American interior does.
Hello montgomery,

Perhaps more Canadians should be minding the environmental destruction taking place in the Canadian Tar Sands, something which affects the whole planet. That oil needs to stay in the ground just as much as oil in the American interior does.

Yes, I agree! And I can talk about the Alberta Tar Sands because I've worked there and know a fair amount about it. If you're interested in some of the details then I'll be happy to explain how it all works and why it's dirty oil. Most people have no idea on that and usually express their lack of knowledge.

( I consider your comments and my reply to be on topic for this thread) If there are any objections then we will have to be informed by staff that they're not)
Hello montgomery,

Yes, I agree! And I can talk about the Alberta Tar Sands because I've worked there and know a fair amount about it. If you're interested in some of the details then I'll be happy to explain how it all works and why it's dirty oil. Most people have no idea on that and usually express their lack of knowledge.

( I consider your comments and my reply to be on topic for this thread) If there are any objections then we will have to be informed by staff that they're not)

I agree as the OP. Any discussion of fossil fuel extraction is on topic. And, yes, I had heard that. Apparently it is tremendously energy-intensive to extract that oil, yes? And how is the quality of the oil? Doesn't it put more carbon in the atmosphere to refine it also?
Hello montgomery,

I agree as the OP. Any discussion of fossil fuel extraction is on topic. And, yes, I had heard that. Apparently it is tremendously energy-intensive to extract that oil, yes? And how is the quality of the oil? Doesn't it put more carbon in the atmosphere to refine it also?

Yes, the cost of extraction is the worst of it. But now that fracking is being done extensively, it's no longer much of a consideration. Climate change is basically being ignored by those who have the potential to do the most harm. I've thought for years now that the disasterous effects must first punish the offenders, or at least those who support the offenders.

And if we believe mainstream science, which I do, it will be too late to go back.

Trump laughs and scoffs at all the efforts to stop climate change and that's one reason why he will go down in history as the worst pesident ever of the US.
Hello montgomery,

Yes, the cost of extraction is the worst of it. But now that fracking is being done extensively, it's no longer much of a consideration. Climate change is basically being ignored by those who have the potential to do the most harm. I've thought for years now that the disasterous effects must first punish the offenders, or at least those who support the offenders.

And if we believe mainstream science, which I do, it will be too late to go back.

Trump laughs and scoffs at all the efforts to stop climate change and that's one reason why he will go down in history as the worst pesident ever of the US.

Totally agree on that. At a time when every single nation on the planet signs an agreement to limit emissions, President Trump thinks he alone knows better than all those millions of people. And, (amazing coincidence, right?) His view just happens to coincide with the views of the super-rich fossil fuels extraction industry. I mean, what are the odds. Ya know? Just a coincidence, my butt. His whole shtick is to make the rich richer.
Fair play to the fat Nincompoop, there must be very few people left silly enough to join his government!
Hello iolo,

Fair play to the fat Nincompoop, there must be very few people left silly enough to join his government!

Amazingly, they keep crawling out of the woodwork.

Beats me why anybody on Earth would be dumb enough to want to work for HIM. I mean, even if you didn't have a single political reason in the world (ha ha,) the man's favorite phrase, the one that made him famous, is "You're fired!"

And still they sign up to work for him.


I guess the lure of the big pay off is greater than the resistance to being publicly shamed.
Hello iolo,

Amazingly, they keep crawling out of the woodwork.

Beats me why anybody on Earth would be dumb enough to want to work for HIM. I mean, even if you didn't have a single political reason in the world (ha ha,) the man's favorite phrase, the one that made him famous, is "You're fired!"

And still they sign up to work for him.


I guess the lure of the big pay off is greater than the resistance to being publicly shamed.

It shouldn't 'beat you' how Trump recruits dumb people to work for him. It's only been spelt out by me about a hundred times.

They're disenfranchize Americans who easily hook into the exact same methods used by Hitler to recruit the German people in a common cause of hating the Jews and blaming everything on them. This is why they're racists and Trump can capture them with racist tactics.

Most of them are self-condemning themselves to be seen as racists. Little Cornelius has expressed the truth very well him/herself. Americans don't just fear a black man walking down the street, they fear all men with black skin walking down the street. That my dear Poli, is the description of racism, albeit maybe not understood by some of them?

YOu're lucky to have a Canadian here to explain to all of you that it's much different in a non-racist society.

The discussion needs to go on until we reach some understanding by them on the reasons why they are racists. you might be able to help?
Hello montgomery,

It shouldn't 'beat you' how Trump recruits dumb people to work for him.

Overly simplistic. Very intelligent people have gone to work for President Trump. To think they are not smart is foolish.

It's only been spelt out by me about a hundred times.

Repeating something which is not exactly true doesn't make it any truer.

They're disenfranchize Americans who easily hook into the exact same methods used by Hitler to recruit the German people in a common cause of hating the Jews and blaming everything on them. This is why they're racists and Trump can capture them with racist tactics.

Actually, the majority of Trump supporters are not racists.

Most of them are self-condemning themselves to be seen as racists. Little Cornelius has expressed the truth very well him/herself. Americans don't just fear a black man walking down the street, they fear all men with black skin walking down the street. That my dear Poli, is the description of racism, albeit maybe not understood by some of them?

Overly broad generalizations. Not generally true. Many people of different colors walk past one another on American streets without feeling any fear.

YOu're lucky to have a Canadian here to explain to all of you that it's much different in a non-racist society.

I appreciate hearing your view, montgomery, but I don't believe all Canadians share the same views.

The discussion needs to go on until we reach some understanding by them on the reasons why they are racists. you might be able to help?

Racists are unlikely to change their beliefs because of anything I say. All I can do is set an example by showing compassion and understanding, without prejudice. As everyone should.
Hello montgomery,

Overly simplistic. Very intelligent people have gone to work for President Trump. To think they are not smart is foolish.

Repeating something which is not exactly true doesn't make it any truer.

Actually, the majority of Trump supporters are not racists.

Overly broad generalizations. Not generally true. Many people of different colors walk past one another on American streets without feeling any fear.

I appreciate hearing your view, montgomery, but I don't believe all Canadians share the same views.

Racists are unlikely to change their beliefs because of anything I say. All I can do is set an example by showing compassion and understanding, without prejudice. As everyone should.

Most Trump supporters are racists, or willingly suffer racism. Maybe you aren't able to recognise racism, being an American. See my reply to whatshisname, the little guy with the funny hat. He described racism perfectly for us while at the same time trying to say it wasn't racism he described. Or something to that effect? He's yet to clarify his intent.
Hello montgomery,

Most Trump supporters are racists, or willingly suffer racism. Maybe you aren't able to recognise racism, being an American. See my reply to whatshisname, the little guy with the funny hat. He described racism perfectly for us while at the same time trying to say it wasn't racism he described. Or something to that effect? He's yet to clarify his intent.

What are you? Stuck on racism? This isn't the thread for that. You're supposed to stay on subject here. This is APP. You're not supposed to derail a thread in APP. This is about the way every single position President Trump appoints does the exact opposite of the function which is supposed to be done.

6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

Why is it that if President Trump needs to appoint a figure to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, the LAST thing this new director does is protect the environment. It's like it becomes the Environment Destruction Agency.

What good does it do to the environment to roll back vehicle fuel economy standards?
Hello montgomery,

What are you? Stuck on racism? This isn't the thread for that. You're supposed to stay on subject here. This is APP. You're not supposed to derail a thread in APP. This is about the way every single position President Trump appoints does the exact opposite of the function which is supposed to be done.

Why is it that if President Trump needs to appoint a figure to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, the LAST thing this new director does is protect the environment. It's like it becomes the Environment Destruction Agency.

What good does it do to the environment to roll back vehicle fuel economy standards?

Trump's people delight in hearing Trump put down climate change and so it's natural that he would choose a dinosaur who opposed looking after our environment the most. Please don't try to restrict me in what I have to say about Trump. It sounds like you're about to summon up moderator support to limit what I can say on this section.

Trump's entire schtick is based on racism and in order to talk about Trump, racism has to be included in the conversation.
Hello montgomery,

Trump's people delight in hearing Trump put down climate change and so it's natural that he would choose a dinosaur who opposed looking after our environment the most. Please don't try to restrict me in what I have to say about Trump. It sounds like you're about to summon up moderator support to limit what I can say on this section.

Trump's entire schtick is based on racism and in order to talk about Trump, racism has to be included in the conversation.

I am not going to report you. I don't see much purpose in that and the whole site is pretty well moderated. I leave it up to the staff as to how stringently they wish to enforce the rules. I am simply doing what I can as the author of this thread. You go off Topic, I am going to try to steer it back on topic. I think it's nice that we have a place with higher standards, a place we can discuss a topic without all the petty games.

And the topic here is we have a president who is filling the swamp of big money government corruption and special interests instead of working for the people.
Hello montgomery,

I am not going to report you. I don't see much purpose in that and the whole site is pretty well moderated. I leave it up to the staff as to how stringently they wish to enforce the rules. I am simply doing what I can as the author of this thread. You go off Topic, I am going to try to steer it back on topic. I think it's nice that we have a place with higher standards, a place we can discuss a topic without all the petty games.

And the topic here is we have a president who is filling the swamp of big money government corruption and special interests instead of working for the people.

I didn't think you were going to report me for something. I was telling you not to try to restrict what I have to say.
And the topic here is we have a president.............

And his name is Trump.