President Trump Is No Victim. He Brought It All On Himself With Schoolyard Taunts.


Diversity Makes Greatness
The master conman knows how to play the victimhood card.

Republicans are showing equal immaturity as the President for responding to such childish acts as name-calling.

President Trump is acting like the spoiled brat that he is.

What will he do next?

Hold his breath until he turns blue?

Throw a temper tantrum?

And how will his fans respond if he does?

I can just hear Giuliani or Conway now, drunk on alternative facts:

'The President has every right to stamp his feet and hold his breath as it does not violate the Constitution.'
It is extraordinary actually that with all the choices they had in their primaries, republicans still overwhelmingly chose a dim witted, petulant, philandering game show host.

But I really need to work on lowering my expectations for republicans>> this is the party which nominated, supported, and worshipped George Dumbya Bush and former half term governor Sarah Palin.
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It is extraordinary actuality that with all the choices they had in their primaries, republicans still overwhelmingly chose a dim witted, petulant, philandering game show host.

But I really need to work on lowering my expectations for republicans>> this is the party which nominated, supported, and worshipped George Dumbya Bush and former half term governor Sarah Palin.

Man, every subsequent choice is worse. I wonder if they have finally hit bottom, although there is talk of a Trump child running in 2024. Donnie Jr. Really thinks he’s someone since the RNC bought him his #1 best seller title.
Man, every subsequent choice is worse. I wonder if they have finally hit bottom, although there is talk of a Trump child running in 2024. Donnie Jr. Really thinks he’s someone since the RNC bought him his #1 best seller title.
I think Kid Rock and Ted Nugent could be the next ticket republicans nominate
I think Kid Rock and Ted Nugent could be the next ticket republicans nominate
That sounds about right. Kid Rock managers to get kicked out of his own sleazy bar, recently. He went on some crazy rant about Oprah and Joy Berhar, what a maroon.
Hello Cypress,

It is extraordinary actuality that with all the choices they had in their primaries, republicans still overwhelmingly chose a dim witted, petulant, philandering game show host.

I know, right? If Trump could win the Republican nomination it leads one to believe anyone could. There is no floor, no lower limit.

But I really need to work on lowering my expectations for republicans>> this is the party which nominated, supported, and worshipped George Dumbya Bush and former half term governor Sarah Palin.

Bernie Madoff, the next Republican champion.
That sounds about right. Kid Rock managers to get kicked out of his own sleazy bar, recently. He went on some crazy rant about Oprah and Joy Berhar, what a maroon.

:thumbsup: Good to know you take issue with people who use inappropriate to rail on about others...And not just for conservatives, right?
What is it with the need for vile language, personal attacks, and lengthy strung together lines of perverted profanities these days?;)
Here's how it works.

Trump attacks somebody out of the blue.

They defend them self.

Trump claims he is the one who has been attacked.

His followers only listen to him, so they believe him and hang on every word.

They are like putty to the master conman.
Trump caters to his racist, uncritical thinking, and intellectually deficient base, made up of individuals who are willing to believe what ever Trumps says, including Trump crying that he is a victim.
President Trump stirs up trash when there was nothing there.

He is a master at getting free publicity by saying provocative things.
President Trump stirs up trash when there was nothing there.

He is a master at getting free publicity by saying provocative things.

That's what got him selected, in the end. In the spring of 2016 we began noticing that NBC Nightly News, for one example, gave 45's bellows and screeches more time than all the other candidates' -- both (D) and (R) -- got combined. The same was true of other media outlets as well. It's not that they loved the Toadstool, it's that they got ratings happiness.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that he constantly puts down the media -- the very instrument that gave him the WH?
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

That's what got him selected, in the end. In the spring of 2016 we began noticing that NBC Nightly News, for one example, gave 45's bellows and screeches more time than all the other candidates' -- both (D) and (R) -- got combined.

The same was true of other media outlets as well. It's not that they loved the Toadstool, it's that they got ratings happiness.

Nothing has been more profitable for the commercial media than Trump. If it bleeds it leads. Trump knew this with his comments about Megyn Kelly. It worked.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that he constantly puts down the media -- the very instrument that gave him the WH?

Bad publicity is still publicity. So when Trump retweeted that stupid fictional video of a wrestling match where faux Trump prevails over a figure with CNN superimposed upon the head, that was actually beneficial publicity for CNN.

These things cause brand names to stick in the memory. Brand names like 'Trump,' mostly.

Trump is such a capitalist President and the Republican party has responded to the marketing and bought in.