APP - President Trump is playing 4D chess. Pelosi is playing checkers


Former Vice President
So today, President Trump doubled down and accepted Nancy Pelosi's offer to give the State of the Union. Let us remind folks that she made the official request at the beginning of January well into the gobblement shutdown. It was only last week that she sent a letter saying President Trump should reconsider due to security concerns.

But, let's be clear. She never rescinded her offer.

By publicly reaffirming his plans to show up and deliver the State of the Union, President Trump forces Pelosi into an awkward position.

1) Does she cave and let him speak which shows her security concerns to be bogus


2) Does she officially disinvite him and give Trump yet another cudgel with which to beat her with

She has been outplayed on this since day one. I bet Chuck U Schumer is secretly going "better her than me"
Letting Donald Trump never caving. Not even close to it.

The guy is a disaster at a microphone...unless his audience is a bunch of morons who will cheer him even if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue.

My take: If an asshole wants to hang himself, give him more rope; if he wants to talk, give him a megaphone.

Trump has the eloquence of an asparagus spear. Fact is, I'm almost looking forward to the poor bastards from the Republican side who have to stand and cheer whenever he delivers a supposedly inspiring line...considering his most "inspiring line" was that he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it.

He is sludge.

Give him the room to prove it.