APP - President Trump just stuck it to left wing universities

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
After a number of communist run universities in the US announced online only classes for the Fall semester, President Trump made a wonderful announcement. No visas for these students would be approved. It is a huge blow to these communist schools and to communist China

You see if there isn't going to be in person classes, then said foreigner can do it from their home country.

With countries like China locking down their internet, more than likely these chinese students will drop out taking their money with them.

Why is this a big deal? Well like crack cocaine, these schools have become addicted to foreign students money. Unlike US students, these folks pay CASH. No student aid. No student loans. No nothing. CASH IS KING

So these "esteemed" schools have a choice. They can either open their schools back up which helps Trump in the election OR they can go bankrupt losing the money from these foreign students. And it is a LOT of money

I love it President Trump. Keep it up