President Xi’s Big Lie


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If China shuts the door on exports of medicines … within a couple months our pharmacies would be empty…. our healthcare system would cease to function. That’s how dependent we are.


It is worth quoting excerpts from President Xi Jinping’s speech of 27 March, made during the “extraordinary” G20 video summit. One might characterize his speech as a tissue of lies. He said, “the COVID-19 outbreak … caught us all by surprise….”

This claim is doubtful. Early reports suggest that Xi was fully informed about the outbreak of a SARS-like illness in Wuhan — weeks before it became a global pandemic. Why else would the dictator’s trembling minions prevent doctors and scientists from alerting others?

The world may have been caught by surprise— but not Xi. According to the mayor of Wuhan, Xi forced the city to hold a holiday potluck at which 10,000 were infected. This facilitated the spread of the virus. Here is how the Wall Street Journal characterized Mayor Zhou Xianwang’s comments:

Mr. Zhou used an interview with state broadcaster China Central Television to push back against criticism of Wuhan’s handling of the virus, saying his hands were tied by rules that required Beijing’s approval before releasing sensitive information. His careful attempt to shift blame to the central leadership mirrored complaints that local officials have expressed in private for years about President Xi Jinping’s rigid, top-down leadership style.


At the G20 video summit, however, Xi bragged about his “prompt” handling of the pandemic. How skillful he was! He boasted of acting with “openness and transparency.” (Does anyone really believe that China has fewer deaths than New York?)

Wonders never cease with these communist miracle workers. They are certainly ahead of the game. Consider Breitbart’s addendum to Xi’s braggadocio:

As of February of this year, China manufactures 97 percent of all American antibiotics, 80 percent of the pharmaceutical ingredients needed in all American drugs, and the majority of the nation’s — and the world’s — medical protective supplies, like masks.


America dares not oppose the Chinese dictator. He has us by the short hairs. He now demands a G20 meeting of health ministers. Naturally, with China’s command of the world’s pharmaceuticals, which health minister would dare balk Beijing’s regime of Global Health governance?

President Xi is prepared to advance his “vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind.” He then added, “China will be more than ready to share our good practices….” — ah yes! And what are these practices? Can anyone guess?

Screams have been reported from the premises of Wuhan’s funeral homes. According to Radio Free Asia, elderly COVID-19 patients are brought to the crematoria alive. They are wrapped, pleading, in plastic body bags. Some are violently subdued.

Speaking with a Wuhan accent, a female witness has recorded a video (below). She says elderly patients were bound and zipped into bags while alive. They were taken to be cremated. “I saw these cases myself,” she said. “It strikes fear into my heart. I want to cry, it’s terrifying.”

President Xi told his “colleagues” at the G20 video summit, “we need to protect … the elderly, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups….” Then he called for more access to markets, a strengthening of China’s dominant position. He underscored the role of “outbound investment” from China and — last but not least — removing tariffs.

The Chinese Communist Party intends to expand its holdings at the coming corporate fire sale in Europe and America. Beijing is sitting on a mountain of gold and cash. As the global economy slumps, China’s industrial and financial might will be deployed. If that is insufficient, the People’s Liberation Army will be deployed…


[Ellanjay:]Was Xi caught by surprise? According to some twitter’s accounts, at the end of last year, CCP’s spy networks had two top missions, one named “Pandora Box Mission”(潘多拉行动), the other called “Cut-off Supply Mission”(釜底抽薪行动). The first mission was to let those people escaped from Wuhan/Hubei go overseas freely, but not to other places domestically inside China; the second mission was to hoard PPE supplies from all over the world via Overseas Chinese Embassies/Organizations/Individuals. Obviously both missions were carried out quite successfully and the rest is history.

I know in the West the general public as well as the establishments are wary of any “Conspiracy Theories”. But not Chinese. As for CCP, we are talking about a 99 year old gang of conspiracy practitioners! Among all the governments in the world, Taiwan knows this the best, which explains why Taiwan fares the best in this Pandemic. Go figure.