Pretty astute observations here


"The doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle in nature; instead of the eternal privilege of force and strength, it places the mass of numbers and its dead- weight. Thus it denies the value of the individual in man, disputes the meaning of nationality and race, depriving mankind of the assumption for its existence and culture. As the basis of the universe it would lead up to the end of all order conceivable to man. And as in this greatest discernible organism only chaos could be the result of the application of such a law, so on this earth the decline of its inhabitants would be the result."


"For in view of the world-wide economic depression, the arrival of refugees in any number creates for the country harboring them a variety of difficult problems. First, giving them jobs will be resented by the unemployed; and establishing them in business or a profession will add to the pressure of competition. The total effect upon the national economy may be negligible, but the psychological effect may, owing to the fact that discussion of the refugee problem is constantly in the foreground, be very considerable."


"The second thing that annoyed me was the way and the manner in which one thought fit to face Marxism. In my eyes, this only proved that one really had not the slightest idea of this pestilence. One seemed to believe, in all seriousness, that by the assurance that one no longer knew parties, one thought one had brought Marxism to reason and restraint.

That here one has to deal not with a party but with a doctrine which must of necessity lead to the destruction of entire mankind, this one understood the less as one did not hear it in the Liberal-infested universities, and as otherwise only too many of our higher officials, particularly, out of idiotic conceit, inculcated in them by education, did not think it worth the trouble to pick up a book and to learn something which did not belong in the curriculum of their high school. The most important changes pass by these 'heads' without leaving a trace, and therefore the State institutions nearly always lag behind the private ones. God knows 'a peasant does not eat what he does not know. ""


"If the liberal elites were alone in this world, they would suffocate as much in dirt and filth, as they would carry on a detest- able struggle to cheat and to ruin each other, although the complete lack of the will to sacrifice, expressed in their cowardice, would also in this instance make the fight a comedy.

Thus it is fundamentally wrong to conclude, merely from the fact of their standing together in a fight, or, more rightly expressed, in their exploiting their fellow human beings, that the liberals have a certain idealistic will to sacrifice them- selves.

Here, too, the liberal is led by nothing but pure egoism on the part of the individual. "
I love when rightists are openly anti-Semitic, literally no other kind of racism gets their communities banned. But there are people who've learned what not to say to skirt the rules, they call for genocide against all the minorities in the world but they only make hidden references to the Jews. And they never get banned for that.