pretty funny stuff


Villified User
The Demoncratic candidate for state leglislature in my area is endorsed by the NRA, the Rebutilcan one is not.
However it appears that the Republican one is still playing the "they are going to take you guns away" fear game.
I have so far gotten 2 mailings from the "Gun Owners of America Victory Fund and 2 from the National gun Owners alliance promoting the republican Candidate.

Are those just republican run outfits or something ?
The Demoncratic candidate for state leglislature in my area is endorsed by the NRA, the Rebutilcan one is not.
However it appears that the Republican one is still playing the "they are going to take you guns away" fear game.
I have so far gotten 2 mailings from the "Gun Owners of America Victory Fund and 2 from the National gun Owners alliance promoting the republican Candidate.

Are those just republican run outfits or something ?

that's nothing.

A couple partisan leaders from VFW (vets of foreign wars) - without the consent of their members - endorsed a republican chickenhawk for congress in illinois, over Tammy Duckwork, an Iraqi vet and helicopter pilot who lost both her legs in combat.
Those darned VFW guys, they keep trying to get me to join up.
It just does not make my day to sit around reminissing about hell and getting drunk.

Oh well, was at the VA hospital yesterday afternoon. And the balloting has already taken place there. I am not sure how it went, but strongly suspect being disabled for the rest of your life might cause those people to vote a bit differently from those who are still healthy.
maybe that NRA is the National Restaurant Assoc.........LOL That is why you need to link.
Those darned VFW guys, they keep trying to get me to join up.
It just does not make my day to sit around reminissing about hell and getting drunk.

Oh well, was at the VA hospital yesterday afternoon. And the balloting has already taken place there. I am not sure how it went, but strongly suspect being disabled for the rest of your life might cause those people to vote a bit differently from those who are still healthy.

I saw a film yesterday called "The Ground Truth". I don't know if you're a war vet if you could really sit through it. It's about the Iraqi veterans. I cried the whole time, even though being a liberal I hate the troops and all.

But I'll tell you, war supporters should see it. Those are the guys who never do though.
I saw a film yesterday called "The Ground Truth". I don't know if you're a war vet if you could really sit through it. It's about the Iraqi veterans. I cried the whole time, even though being a liberal I hate the troops and all.

But I'll tell you, war supporters should see it. Those are the guys who never do though.

NO I don't like to watch those kinds of films, I need no reminders. That is one reason for avoiding the VFW.
Working with disabled vets has been good therapy overall for me though, as well as helping them.

On those 2 gun orgs, I ghave to wonder if they are just republican tools. The NRA I know about, never heard of the other outfits till this election.