Pretty or sexy? What kind of girl would you choose?

I need to have confidence that she will not turn up in a bad mood one day and so decide to make claims of sexual assault, or other abuses.

Picking women well is more important than ever now.

The downsides are tremendous.
If you had to choose between them. All other things being equal.

'Pretty Girls' know they are 'pretty', so they are more demanding of your time. 'Sexy Girls' are more flirtatious, so they are more fun.
The girl that has the same 'World View' as you and a similar 'sexual appetite' is the one you want.
For life.
If one is looking for sanity in women, one must look outside the US. This is a big reason why I left.
Yes, I only produced girls but if I had a son, I would advise him to be equally picky as my girls.
Partners make life way better or way worse so choose EXTREMELY carefully!
Sane. I prefer my women to be sane.

Gota agree with you on that one.years agowhen I was still dating early 40s and late 30 I dated one of the craziest group of women I think you could find in one state. Im talking real nut

cases. Im talking outright loony toon types.
One tried to shoot me one tried to kill herself and another one enjoyed watching me beat up guys who had made a pass at her.
She even tried to get me to beat up her ex husband.
Sanity is a big plus. Thank god other then some ocassional moodiness mine is very normal
Gota agree with you on that one.years agowhen I was still dating early 40s and late 30 I dated one of the craziest group of women I think you could find in one state. Im talking real nut

cases. Im talking outright loony toon types.
One tried to shoot me one tried to kill herself and another one enjoyed watching me beat up guys who had made a pass at her.
She even tried to get me to beat up her ex husband.
Sanity is a big plus. Thank god other then some ocassional moodiness mine is very normal
I do not condone what OJ did but I understand.
~Chris Rock
I have a story about a crazy woman you will love this and she was a democrt.
I this was a weird.
I had guests from Florida in and It was ber ass 10 below was 330 am more or less I went out to smoke in my car and had a full face mask on .
Thats when a car pulled up in my drive way .
It was the sheriffs office. Now its 330 am freezing and 8m in my car with a face mask and a couple cars with florida plate in the drive.looks good right.
Well the passenger door open up and out she comes . this is the same gal that tried to kill herself because I would come see her.and she comes to my car and gets in. Im like what the fuck are you doing bringing the sheriff to my house at 330 am.
I could see him looking at thing i know shes pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her pusdy she want to have smokes if she went to jail that night. Apparently

she was in a fight with some guy and sucker punched him.
I have several storys about her
For life.
If one is looking for sanity in women, one must look outside the US. This is a big reason why I left.
Yes, I only produced girls but if I had a son, I would advise him to be equally picky as my girls.
Partners make life way better or way worse so choose EXTREMELY carefully!

Don't marry an American woman, far easier, and cheaper, to find one you hate and buy her a house.
May I vote for "quiet" instead?
Absence of libido may possibly be the most precious gift a man can have.

The compromises that we've all made just for getting a bit of physical affection here and there
pretty much identify all of us as fucking idiots.

A celibate Nifty would have probably been a much less frazzled old man than what we've got here before us.
But damn, we just have to go for it like the rutting animals we are. Annoying from the long view.