Pride in America cannot only be certain brand of white man's pride or else it's a lie

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The problem with pride is this: A certain brand of white man's pride has been substituted for actual pride, and it requires the complete destruction of the truth in order to endure — along with the diminishment of Black identity, which may very well be by design.

As we fight the plague of Covid-19, the plague of violence and white supremacy has raged out of control. Groups like the Proud Boys, founded by Gavin McInnes and now led by more of his ilk, which espouse so-called Western chauvinism, deny the existence of racism and encourage members to renounce supposed “white guilt” and engage in violence, are only further emboldened by a president who told them, on the debate stage in front of millions of Americans, to "stand back and stand by."

Others, like the Michigan militia group, the Wolverine Watchmen, can apparently be activated into action when their enraged commander in chief tweets “LIBERATE MICHIGAN”: The FBI said this week that it had foiled a plot by a gaggle of armed men — at least one of whom displayed Confederate flags on his property and several of whom have apparent ties to the far-right ”boogaloo” movement dedicated to fomenting a racial civil war — to kidnap and possibly execute Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, in retaliation for instituting a state-wide mask mandate and other restrictions to combat Covid-19.

Their insistence on this hateful pride, I suspect, is an elaborate ruse to keep from having to confront their deep feeling of moral inferiority
With the level of crimes committed by black, the 75% bastard birth rate, the 27% use of food stamps, etc., what is there to have pride in among your kind, boy?
With the level of crimes committed by black, the 75% bastard birth rate, the 27% use of food stamps, etc., what is there to have pride in among your kind, boy?

To maintain the national religion election propaganda of those way too dang lily brilliant white truth deflectors super ego Freudian slips of Christiananality pedophilia's second coming of going into business with Arab "death to the infidels" for those burning Bush's 9/11 health care plan patriot act for another century of "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusades while they forgive themselves for the holycosts as if they have a conscious as a Christian Nation .