Princess Nan is not amused

Pelosi is a vote counter and a careful politician who see everything as to whether it would help the elections or not. Warren and some others see investigating for impeachment as a duty. They see that as one of their most important functions and duties. Pelosi will get on board when the investigations reveal Trump for all to see.
Several weeks ago she stated there was no support for it and she was correct.
She thought that settled it.
She merely reiterated.

She means now. There are 150 Dems in the House on board. That is not "no support" and this non-support is growing. The investigations are forcing Dems to rethink impeachment. Trump deserves what he will get.
Several weeks ago she stated there was no support for it and she was correct.
She thought that settled it.
She merely reiterated.

LOL! Your stupidity is on full display today, honey. A majority of house Dems support impeachment hearings and they're going forward.

Pweeze stawp cywing.